The Obvious

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Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy were rushed out into the corridors a bright flash blinding the first year students. Hermione blinked away the stars she was seeing before another flash went off. A large black robe covered the students eyes, shielding them away from the sudden lights. She rubbed her eyes looking up seeing Professor Snape.

"Blocking my story Severus!" A shrill voice screamed the group exchanged looks.

"They are students Skeeter," Severus spoke dryly dropping his robe revealing a tall slender women her elaborately wrapped blonde curls that in Blaise's opinion sat a terrible and odd look for her heavy set jaw and her pointy rhinestoned glasses.

"Ahhh!" She screamed before grabbing Hermione's face her pointy two inch bright green nails in her cheeks painfully close to her eyes. It felt like the women was looking into her soul sorting her deepest and darkest secrets.

"Skeeter, Rita Skeeter, The wizarding Worlds funnest journalist and truth seeker," she whisper her bright green eyes widening at every word her hands slowly rolling of Hermiones face.

"I am Theodore!" Theodore shouted waving his hand high. Rita Skeeter rolled her eyes holding up her hand to the boy. Silencing him. Hermione didn't like this one bit.

"So, Hermione, how did a first year like you-" she stoped half way clicking her fingers a feather quill floated out of her pocket and a scroll of parchment rolled onto the ground. "Make sure you get everything," she warned sternly at the quill who seemed to respond by shaking its body.

"So Hermione Aradia Granger, how did a spit fire of a first year like you find the Mirror of Erised?" She asked lowering her glasses to look at the girl.

"Well I certainly did not do it by shoving my hand in other peoples faces," She snapped tilting her head. The quill writing every word. The women opened her mouth. "Did your little scribe get all of that?"

"Get Rid of it!" She squealed her face red, she stomped away her green high heels clicking. The quill scribbled out any words on the page before zooming away back to its owner.

"Blaise! Mi!" A loud shout bellowed from the empty corridor the group looked up seeing the two eldest Zabini boys race out before anyone could react Antonio almost knocked over his brother brining him into a embrace Hermione laughed before being picked up by Orlando hugging her tightly.

"Blaise. Salazar what were you bloody thinking!" Antonio yelled grabbing his brothers head shaking it uncontrollably. "Your alright though right?" He asked.

Orlando did not say much to Hermione he just held her. She could feel how scared he was from the rate his heart was beating. From how tired he looked.

"You too Theodore! You're even more foolish than I thought!" Antonio yelled hugging Theodore which brought him much surprise. Orlando slowly pulled away from the girl placing a hand on the girls head and three words came out of his mouth.

"Your so stupid,"

Hermione smiled brightly he smiled patting her head.

Draco Malfoy looked on at the group seeing them being showered by love, a feeling inside of him only burned greater. He was being ignored and it was HER fault. Seeing everyone's attention on her as if he did not do the same job. His jaw tightened and his fist balled.

"Jealousy is not a good look on you Mister Malfoy," Dumbledores voice told his hand rested on the boys shoulder.

"I am not jealous," Malfoy scoffed.

"You will do good things...better things," The man whispered in his ear. "Better things than a measly girl," a grin quickly formed on the boys lips.

"I do not need to be told Headmaster I already know," He boasted glaring at Hermione infront of him.

"Hermioneeeee!" Pansy squeal filled the hall.

A few days had passed, many rumorse and whispers filled the halls of Hogwarts about the first years. Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott walked out of the boys bathrooms, adjusting their robes. As they turned the corner they met Hermione and Pansy. Hermione holding her book bag over her shoulder and her spell book in her other hand. Pansy carrying nothing but a smile.

"Why are you smiling Pansy, we already lost 200 points, Gryffendore is going to win by a landslide they won the house cup five times in a row," Blaise scoffed shaking his head.

"Oh," she frowned walking away with the group.

"It's fine Pansy," Hermione smiled reassuring her friend. The girls hair much longer than the start of the year the hair was once chin level and now almost halfway down her elbow.

"Oh! Come this way," Pansy yelled tugging Hermione's arm the two boys quickly following after her.

"Where are we going Pansy?" Theodore asked out of breath as they weaved by people. Without answering they stoped.

"Look," she spoke pointing to the grounds.

Running around with his friends was Adrian Puercy! Catching a red small ball before throwing it to the next player. Hermione smiled widely seeing his bright smile. Before frowning seeing his arm wrapped in bandages

"Saw him this morning..." Pansy added as they walked away. "Apparently he only woke up yesterday,"

"Good for him," Blaise nodded.

"Yeah, don't like the lad, but I don't think it would be a very good thing he would die," Theodore sighed stretching his arms.

"Wow Theodore just Wow," Hermiones scoffed shaking her head.

"Of course you stand up for him," Theodore snickered.

"What a foolish statement, I do not wish death upon no one," She spat.

"Theodore drop it, she doesn't need to know," Blaise sighed pinching the bridge of his nose annoyed at the pair bickering.

"Know what?" She asked as they walked into the great hall.

"He fancies you Mi," Theodore laughed Pansy laughed as well weighing down the girl by the arm.

"Who fancies Mi?" Two voices asked in unison as they sat down.

"Adrian," Blaise answered his brothers.

"Ew, yeah," Antonio grumbled rolling his eyes.

"Everyone knows?except me?" Hermione yelled. The table nodded. "Ew, that is horrid," she added causing the group to erupt in laughter.

"Glad you think so Hermione," Antonio spoke.
"You would be a bit blind to fancy him back,"

"No. I mean Theodore knew. Everyone did! No offence but I am far smarter than Theodore," she gasped not believing these words. "You must be lying,"

The group exchanged looks.

"Yeah Mi, we are," Orlando sighed.

"Salazar this hole ordeal almost gave me a brain aneurism," she sighed in relief. Hermione Granger the brightest witch of her age the first Muggleborn who had gotten sorted in Slytherin, not recognising the most obvious.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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