Dorm Number Ten

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-!DISCLAIMER! All rights go to J.K Rowling, this is just fanfiction I wrote inspired by J.K Rowlings Harry Potter Book series and Movie series! thank you for reading! enjoy and if you have any questions, complaints or suggestions please comment and I will/should-

Hermione was playing with the peas on her plate completely filled with food, not able to eat dessert. Unlike Theo who seemed to have a stomach the size of a cow, she saw him slurping the red jelly into his mouth from the table. she frowned watching him choke back out the jelly but suck it back up. the sound of a fork hitting a gauntlet had taken the attention of the hall Everyone looked to the front standing up was Dumbledor with a wide smile. The food disappeared with a click of his fingers, Theodore let out a groan Hermione and Blaise shot him a glare.

''I ask all second years and up to head to their dorms. Prefects and First years please stay back You will be walked to your respective houses and allocated to your dorm rooms for the night, And do not wander off our grounds man Mr Filch will find you quicker than you can say ''Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!'' and our ghosts certainly do not take kindly to wandering students,'' He explained to us, and everyone around the first years began to stand up.

''See you three at the dorms yeah? not come in mine,'' Antonio threatened before leaving the hall with his large groups of his friends wrapping an arm around Nia's shoulders.

''Rude,'' Theo replied hermione felt the spot next to me weigh down she turned her head and saw a girl with thick black hair cut short to the shoulder with a straight sharp bang covering her forehead, she had large green eyes.

''Are you really THE Hermione Granger?'' She asked leaning close to me Hermione slowly leaned away from her.

''Hm...yes...'' Hermione answered slowly, she squinted her eyes at her before snapping her head away.

''Pansy...Pansy is the name,'' She introduced holding out her hand. she took her hand and shook it slowly, she moved her hand from Hermione's impatiently before getting up and running to a group of Slytherin first-year girls and laughing at her, obviously pointing fun.

''what putrid girls,'' Hermione spat turning to Blaise and Theo, who looked at the girls Theo's face turned bright red and he let out a shaky exhale.

''I-i...Hmm,'' He replied staring at the girls Hermione twisted her face and rolled her eyes.

''Stand,'' A sharp voice spoke They turned to see a tall older black-haired boy dressed in his Slytherin robes, he was rather mean and uptight looking, his crooked teeth protruding out of his mouth it was Marcus Flinch one of Antonio's friends.

''I said stand,'' He spat angrily, at this point only ten first-year Slytherins were left they all rose to their feet.

''I am Marcus Flinch your Slytherin prefect, captain of the BEST Quidditch team, and best Chaser on Campus,'' He introduced holding his head high as he jumped on the table and walked up and down, Blaise Theodore and Hermione exchanged looks.

''A little full of himself I think,'' Theo whispered Hermione laughed.

''Listen!'' The prefect screamed leaning down to me, his spit flew on her face and she scrunched up my face, before Hermione could say anything Blaise cut in.

"Why don't you be nice lad and get out of her face mate?" Blaise Zabini snapped. A scoff escaped the prefects lips before dropping the expression when seeing Blaise.

"I-uhm... follow me," The prefect said bewildered staring at the seemingly scary looking only first year Blaise Zabini.

"You know I am perfectly capable to deal with things on my own your such a daft," Hermione spat as the first years hurried out the hall following Flinch. Blaise glared at her before shoving her and storming away Hermione went to walk after him but Theodore Stopped her.

HERMIONE GRANGER And The Mirror Of ErisedWhere stories live. Discover now