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-!DISCLAIMER! All rights go to J.K Rowling, this is just fanfiction I wrote inspired by J.K Rowlings Harry Potter Book series and Movie series! thank you for reading! enjoy and if you have any questions, complaints or suggestions please comment and I will/should reply-

The three children laid asleep in Blaise's bed Hermione still wrapped in her blanket laying on Blaise's back as he snored into his pillow Theodore laid along the pair with his hand tightly holding Hermione's ankles.

Suddenly the pair was awakened by Theodore's
Screams They shot up awake seeing him covered in spiders Blaise and Hermione yelped jumping out the bed.

At the beginning of the bed was Antonio with his wand in hysterics, Laughing at Theodore's misfortune. Hermione walked to him squatting off the spiders.

"You blasted fool," Theodore yelled to Antonio.

"That's what you get you wanker," Antonio snickered as the spiders disappeared into small smoke clouds.

"Git!" Theodore snapped back.

"What are you yelling about!" Mrs Zabini yelled storming into the room.

"It is eight in the morning it is too early for your arguing come down stairs for breakfast when you grow up...you go to Hogwarts today for heaven sake you Ankle bitters," Mrs Zabini added in a hash tone pulling off her purple silk bonnet and walking away.

"It was unprovoked," Theodore whined as Antonio left the room snickering. Hermione almost felt bad for the boy.

"It's okay mate," Blaise soothed.

"Why did Ant do that?" Hermione asked sitting back down on the bed.

"Ant is...Antonio," Blaise shrugged. Hermione sighed before looking in the corner there was her trunks ready for Hogwarts a smile formed on her lips.

"I almost forgot," She told them.

"Hmm, Hermione Granger Forgetting? Must be a strange day," Blaise teased as they walked out the room, Hermione glanced up at the boy.

"You know what I did not forget," She huffed crossing Her arms over her chest, Blaise laughed hooking an arm around her neck and Around Theodore's.

"...ANTONIO!" A loud scream came from the floor below the trio exchanged looks before racing down the stairs excited to see Antonio to be chewed out.

As they raced into the main room they spotted Mrs Zabini standing with Nia and Antonio.

"A Girl?! Day visit only Antonio I told you that did I not?!" Mrs Zabini bellowed.

"Like that makes the difference," Theodore remarked in a whisper to Blaise.

"Yes Mama," Antonio sighed.

"I am sorry Ms," Nia apologised Mrs Zabini looked at the girl.

"You could not do any better?" Mrs Zabini asked her putting a hand on her hip, Antonio glared at his mother.

"You deserve much more than my foolish son," She added Nia smiled and nodded causing Antonio's face twist into a sad frown.

"Like me," Theodore grinned Antonio snapped his head to Theodore giving him a glare Hermione and Blaise shared a laugh.

"Do you think you are a good influence on your younger brothers and Hermione?" Mrs Zabini asked her son.

"Uhm yes," He scoffed his mother swiftly swatted his head.

"Ow Mama!" He yelled.

"Orlando has never snuck a girl in my house nor will Blaise, Angelo and Hermione is too smart to sneak a boy in...won't you Blaise and Hermione dear?" Mrs Zabini asked.

HERMIONE GRANGER And The Mirror Of ErisedWhere stories live. Discover now