The Girl Who Lived

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-!DISCLAIMER! All rights go to J.K Rowling, this is just fanfiction I wrote inspired by J.K Rowlings Harry Potter Book series and Movie series! thank you for reading! enjoy and if you have any questions, complaints or suggestions please comment and I will/should reply-

Their dark figures hunted the street their heavy boots hitting the ground hard as they took steps, their black robes blowing back from the wind, the street lights bursting, emerging the small village into darkness. Snow Blanketing the roads. The crunching of snow filled the silence between the trio. Blood dripped down from one of the man's fingers staining the snow red his knuckles gripped tighter making a small quiet crunching noise, and the heavy hoods cast a shadow on their ghostly silver mask the men stopped in their place, the shortest of the trio removed his robe hood taking off his mask inhaling deeply.

His dark blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a resting smug face became visible his pale skin catching whatever light was left in the night.

''all this for a child,'' he said his voice dry and cold.

''Not a child...our only hope,'' Another voice corrected him taking off his bone-chilling mask and revealing a dark-skinned woman, her almond-shaped eyes filled with sadness. blood soaking the tips of her long black hair staining her large fluffy dark Purple robe.

''A baby girl,'' The man scoffed.

angrily the woman whipped out her wand without hesitation pointing it to his through, he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple going up and down.

''...that Baby girl is our last hope...unless you do not know where your loyalties lie, I am beginning to assume you are switching up on us Rosier, I hope you know I have no problem with ending you right here...speak of that child again and your head is mine I kill men like you like nothing,'' she spat, her threats not hollow.

''Veronica...there is no need,'' A man told her, his cold monotoned voice silencing her she slowly took down her wand sending him a cold glare and shoved her mask in his chest walking closer to the other man.

The man slowly took off his mask his hooked nose and pale skin became visible, the woman looked into his dark black cold eyes, and she looked away crossing her arms and fiddling with her large diamond-linked necklace.

''crying Veronica?'' The short man scoffed not learning his lesson he opened his mouth but he was silent by her cold glare.

''where is Tibius with the girl?'' She asked dryly before clearing her throat.

''soon,'' The hooked noes man responded she rolled her eyes letting out a sigh and shaking her head.

''stop looking at me Rosier,'' she said bluntly.

''I am not,'' he snapped

''your acting like children SILENCE,'' The dark-eyed man barked, their childish behaviour angered the man, his robe getting to its end with the pair, and regretting his decision of letting the both of them on protecting the small girl.

footsteps came towards them the group whipping out their wands they saw a hooded figure walked a small girl, the lowered their wands hearing the girls small giggled and laughs.

''Daddy,'' she giggled running to the hooked nose man almost stumbling over he caught her before she hit the snow holding her close he looked at her closely trying to find any marks on her.

''Hello sweetie,'' The woman said brushing her hands through the small toddler's brown curly hair, her big brown eyes looking at her innocently unaware of the troubles around her chewing on her chubby fingers.

''Mrs,'' she said hugging her father's neck and looking at the woman.

''hmm yes honey?'' she asked playfully kissing her hands she tilted her head looking at the woman smiling softly her big brown watery eyes reflecting the stars her red noes breathing in and out deeply her chubby cheek pressed against her fathers shoulder.

''aww...'' she said whipping a tear from her eye and walking away to the robed man, he had a scar on his right eye and green tired eyes, a strong jawline and brown shaggy hair, he gave the distressed woman a nod as she pulled herself together.

''Daddy...I am tired can we go home...I want to say goodnight mummy,'' she hummed in a yawn.

''the potion is in action...she should be out of it in a few minutes,'' Tibius Nott informed him, clearing his throat.

''...Mommy is already sleeping,'' he told her walking by himself up the street rubbing his daughter's back.

''I want to sleep in her bed tonight,'' she said quietly, The man swallowed hard pain and emotion-filled his body, and the loss of his wife still was fresh in his mind. hearing his daughter call for her felt like salt in a wound, it stung all over.

''no, Mommy... Mommy is sleeping by herself tonight,'' he explained to the wall girl walking past houses that seemed to look all the same, the same boring flowers, the same boring windows, the same boring sleeping people inside.

''Can I sleep with you then?'' she asked in a soft whisper her words getting more slurred as he walked her body becoming less tense and limp.

''no my little starlight, not tonight, Daddy has to...''

''no,,'' she said sleepily repeating her words sniffing her eyes closed and waiting for an answer sadly no answer followed she slipped into a deep sleep.

her memorise faded as fast as she inhaled her smile dropping and her face scrunching up. He walked up the staircase stopping at the large red door taking off his large robe and wrapping it around the small girl he ran his thumb under her eye across the thin scare he lowered the snoring child to the floor he grabbed the door knocker slamming it twice loudly, the lights inside lit up and with a spin, the man disappeared leaving the small girl.

A note was laid on the small child's chest, in neat writing wrote the words 'Hermione, Aradia Snape' and a sliver emerald pendant necklace around her head glowing in the moonlight.

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