Mr Fudge

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-!DISCLAIMER! All rights go to J.K Rowling, this is just fanfiction I wrote inspired by J.K Rowlings Harry Potter Book series and Movie series! thank you for reading! enjoy and if you have any questions, complaints or suggestions please comment and I will/should reply-

Hermione walked down the pathway happily while Blaise behind her was complaining about the amount of books he had to bring to school. They attempted to look for Orlando with no luck. Hermione and Blaise became worried.

"Eight books? Hogwarts is going to be awful I can not stand reading let alone copying from them," He groaned.

"You only have eight..." She asked knitting her eyebrows together, his face dropped.

"I am joking," She laughed he let out a deep sigh of relief.

"You will do fine in got in under recommendation and still past the entry test," Hermione assured him.

The clouds above them thickens and darkened, Hermione felt a sharp rain drop plant on her head she frowned before Blaise let out a scream from a loud crack of thunder.

"I-umm. Ant is meeting us at Ollivanders...we better hurry," He said pink in the face walking faster Hermione laughed walking after him.

"What about Orlando?" Hermione asked in a concerned tone, Blaise just shrugged the question off.

The pair entered the lobby of the narrow and shaggy Ollivanders Wand Shop. Mrs Zabinis yells flooded their ears Antonio was leaning against the wall.

"I said to buy your Hogwarts equipment did I not?" She yelled poking his shoulder, Antonio wore a new shinny black puffer jacket with a brown fluffy fur hood while a stubby old man with unruly white hair, his eerie moonlight eyes making Hermione feel uncomfortable as he tried to sooth The angered women.

"Uh-breathe Veronica...breath," The man's soft words not brining him any comfort.

"Momma ?" Blaise called out softly, She snapped her head to the pair. She hand still firmly gripping Antonio my hid puffer jacket against the wall his feet hanging down. Mrs Zabini was stronger then she looks.

"Ahhh Hermione," The old man greeted clumsily walking towards her he held her hands in his wrinkled ones.

"Strong hands. Deep finger groves. Tough knuckles...I have not been blest by one who has such strong as your in many years," He whispered in a shaky breath and he turns her hands over.

"Yes. I see very much potential in these hands," He added raising his eyebrows. Still in deeep concentration Blaise tried to lean in to look at her hands but jumped once again hearing thunder clap.

"Ollivander," Mrs Zabini warned dropping the boy to his feet walking towards Her son and Hermione. Mr Ollivander dropped the girls hands and Hermione exhaled deeply folding her hands in each other.

"Where is Orlando?" She asked looking out the window trying to see if her eldest son was standing out in the street.

"Hmmm," She hummed unimpressed not seeing the boy She sighed knowing Orlando was going to get an earful when he got home. She placed his hand on the back of Hermione's head.

"Step forward children..." The man said running to behind the desk as Hermione and Blaise walked forward the sight of towering walls reveal thousands of wand boxes stacked to the ceiling. And inside each box, a wand is waiting to choose a wizard or witch.

"Hmm you first..." He ordered pointing a shaky finger towards Blaise Zabini.

"How did he know you name but not mine," He whispered to Hermione who shrugged in response.

HERMIONE GRANGER And The Mirror Of ErisedWhere stories live. Discover now