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-!DISCLAIMER! All rights go to J.K Rowling, this is just fanfiction I wrote inspired by J.K Rowlings Harry Potter Book series and Movie series! thank you for reading! enjoy and if you have any questions, complaints or suggestions please comment and I will/should reply-

Hermione and The Zabinis sat in the lounge room. Angelo was holding Hermione's leg pressing his chubby cheek against her thigh. Hermione sat silently playing with the boys hair. Mrs Zabini was busy yelling at her sons waiting for the eldest to come back home.

Hermione read the tension in the room and it seamed to be a negative reason why he had left the house.

Hermione heard footsteps over the shouting she turned her head to the door way seeing a tall broad looking boy, he looked different to the other siblings he was much lighter and had cruel piercing green eyes, eyes that silenced the room completely.

"Orlando," Mrs Zabini vocalised breaking the silence, his eyes darted to Hermione before back at his mother, his face was gashed and bruised covered in blood with out a word he walked away. Angelo let out a small whine.

"It's okay baby...Ant watch over them for a while," Mrs Zabini told her son rubbing Angelo's hair before she stood up walking out the open room following her son.

Hermiones eyes followed Mrs Zabini as she hurried chased after her eldest son up the stairs, Hermione's eye slowly turned back to Angelo who was now being picked up by Antonio.

"What was wrong with him?" Hermione asked softly. Blaise and Antonio exchanged saddened looks before looking back at Hermione.

"Orlando is troubled...he finds enjoyment getting into fights and Blaming everyone around him he is pathetic really but we never really mention anything to him," Antonio explained clearing his throat.

"He is graduating in three years so mommas worried for him...she doesn't think he will get anywhere acting how he does," He added with a long shrug. She swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded.

"He looked hurt," Hermione pointed out.

"Tch...he always does," Antonio scoffed shaking his head. Angelo let out a whine.

"Momma," He cried out.

" her around, I am gonna make sure Moms alright," Antonio Ordered standing to his feet holding Angelo on his hip.

''...come on Hermione...'' Blaise Zabini said softly holding her elbow and pulling her softly she looked at him and nodded he let go of her elbow and the pair walked off Hermione followed the boy up the stairs admiring her surroundings.

'' you look the same you know,'' he told her, she looked up at him.

''you still have the same hair and eyes, the same smile,'' he told her.

''do I?'' She asked he gave her a nod.

''mother tells me you like Libraries...I could show you our Libary,'' he explained to her as they reached the large second floor she nodded excitedly the pair quickly walked to a large two doored Libary as soon as she stepped inside her breath was once again taken, several large bookshelves filled to the most came to her vision.

''It is the smallest one in the manor...but we are not allowed to enter the third or fourth floor,'' He explained to the girl walking in, as soon as she closed her jaw she followed him looking around, books were rearranging themselves on the books she smiled.

''...the magic world is rather peculiar,'' she said softly looking at the huge painting of Greek gods above her, angels of the paintings terrorized the Greek gods on the clouds of the ceiling.

''I could say the same thing for the muggle have non-flying cars...I think that's strange,'' he told her.

'' muggle means...non magical folk?'' she asked he gave her a nod.

''correct,'' he replied he sounded educated and very well-spoken, which was rare for a child her age, she always found herself speaking too dimwitted with improper English and foul language she would never repeat. Like Antonio.

''I am sure I will love this place,'' she said softly he smiled.

''come on this way, we have a lot of doors to go through,'' he told her walking back out the door she slowly followed him walking out of the library.

''this is Angelo's room,'' he explained pointing at a door, the rooms look rather large in size by the large gapes between the rooms.

''and This is our room,'' He said opening a door walking through she followed it was a huge room with a very high ceiling with two beds on the far sides, of the room, on which she presumed the boys had some type of sporting teams jerseys on the wall framed and wooden broomsticks hung on the wall, the other which was hers, it was a large bed enough room for two plus people and on the centre of the many white fluffy pillows.

''It's bigger than my house," She whispered her breath slow taking in the world around her.

"It is much small then the other rooms," Blaise explained walking to his bed and jumping on it. She sat awkwardly on the far end of her bed rubbing her hands down and up her knees nervously.

"How did she get this ready for me in just a few hours?" She asked softly folding her hands together in her lap.

"Hours? No..." He laughed shaking his head.

"She has been waiting for you for years you know...every room I have had had double of everything for you," He explained itching his arm, Hermione smiled softly rubbing her hands on the soft blankets.

HERMIONE GRANGER And The Mirror Of ErisedWhere stories live. Discover now