Diagon Ally

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-!DISCLAIMER! All rights go to J.K Rowling, this is just fanfiction I wrote inspired by J.K Rowlings Harry Potter Book series and Movie series! thank you for reading! enjoy and if you have any questions, complaints or suggestions please comment and I will/should reply-

By the time the group entered the Manor they were covered head to toe in dirt and grass, The pitch had not completely dried from the storm a few nights before.

Hermione slipped off her shoes trying not to tread on the shinny polish Marble horrified if Mrs Zabini would yell at her, even though she seemed to favour the girl over her sons. The others seamed to be far more brave, walking through the entrance with their dirtied shoes.

"Mi...do not worry the floors clean themselves," Blaise chuckled walking past her. She had seemed to forget about the bewitch manor.

"Oh-" was the word of realisation that slipped her mouth before she chased after him.

"SALAZAR YOU BARBARIANS!" A loud shout from Above them rained down silencing everyone. They slowly looked up seeing Mrs Zabini rather angry staring down at them from the staircase.

"You can not go to Diagon Ally dirtied," She shouted.

"Mamma...They can borrow my and Orlando's cloths..." Antonio told her in a shout she glared down at the dozen dirtied teenage boys who were smiling up at her.

"Fine...and go for a shower you caveman reek," She agreed with a hard sigh walking away with Angelo following her. Hermione Liked how Mrs Zabini always had something to say.

"Fifth years and up...shower in Orlando's room," Antonio told the group.

"the rest in mine or Blaise's room," He added with a shrug.

"The girl," Adrian coughed covering his mouth with his fist. Everyone seemed to forget she was a girl.

"Actually. Everyone shower in either mine or Ants room," Orlando corrected.

"Go near Hermione's room I am breaking your fingers," He threatened quiet enough for Hermione not to hear but loud enough for everyone else to understand.

"Shii, don't need to tell me twice," Bole piped up breaking into the respected rooms.

"You can shower first if you want," Blaise told her as he opened the door for her, Hermione gave him an approving nod.

"I will wait in Ants room," Blaise added closing the door behind her.


Hermione walked out of her room into the hall as she platted her hair in two, tying the ends with a ribbon she fixed her curly fringe, picking at her knitted sweater.

The group of boys argued with each other in the hallway. Arguing about what store they were going to enter first. Hermione noticed how childish they were even though they were much older always bickering about the simplest of things.

"Finally," Orlando groaned standing up from the wall.

"Sorry," She apologised bluntly. A small smile formed on his face knowing she did not mean the apology. The group began to walk towards the staircase and Orlando placed a hand on the back of her head shoving her forward lightly.

"You are going to mess my hair," She huffed swotting his hand away smoothing down her hair.

"Mi," Blaise laughed hooking an arm around her neck something he seemed to do a lot.

"I am surprised you could tie your hair back..." He remarked playfully, Hermione gave him a glare.

"I saved your life, you owe me," Said Hermione poking his arm. He let put a hum squinting his eyes pointing his lips together like he was deep in thought.

HERMIONE GRANGER And The Mirror Of ErisedWhere stories live. Discover now