Number Fourth

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-!DISCLAIMER! All rights go to J.K Rowling, this is just fanfiction I wrote inspired by J.K Rowlings Harry Potter Book series and Movie series! thank you for reading! enjoy and if you have any questions, complaints or suggestions please comment and I will/should reply-

Hermione carried Several bags on her arms, bags labeled with brand names, neatly brand new clothing folded inside. Mrs Zabini and Hermione stood at the doorstep of the Grangers home. Hermione anxiously bit down on her knee cheek, Mr Zabini took off her sunglasses starring down at Hermione with a warm smile, a motherly smile that eased Hermione's nerves away.

"Trust me Lilith would not say anything when I am there...we do not have the best past," Mrs Zabini whispered playfully giving her a small wink to Hermione as she rung the doorbell. And as soon as the door swung open her angered Aunts face destroyed any kind of happiness she had.

"Lils pleasant to see you," Mrs Zabini shouted shoving past a now bewildered Aunt Lilith Hermione walked after Mrs Zabini.

"After all these years I wouldn't have imagined you to be so...wrinkled," Mrs Zabini said waving her hands in the air. Aunt Liliths face turned sour.

"Still running around with Tibius?" Lilith spat back.

"Child romances never lead to anything..." Mrs Zabini answered taking a seat comfortably in the lounge room.

"Look how yours ended up in," Mrs Zabini added using her sunglasses to point at Uncle Corbin who was snoring away in the kitchen. Hermione rubbed her lips together hiding her smile.

"Sad really..." Mrs Zabini sighed empatheticly.

"I have the right to hand you to the authorities Veronica...kidnapping my niece," Aunt Lilith growled hugging Hermione. Hermione stood there awkwardly not engaging in the embrace.

"Hmm. Enough with the show Lilith we both know you are not a bright actor," Veronica commented uncrossing her legs standing up.

"Well I must be off...I shall see you sooner or later Hermione," Mrs Zabini dismissed dusting off her fur coat.

"Yes Mrs," Hermione replied giving the women a nod, Veronica slowly began to walk to the door her heels clicking against the wooden floor.

"What do you think running off with strangers!" Lilith yelled into Hermiones face. Veronica stopped in her place.

"She is not a knew and you never told me!..." Hermione shouted back.

"What do you think they care?! Do you think buying you This?! Is something!" Lilith cried out taking the clothes from the bags throwing them across the room in a fit of rage and jealousy.

Suddenly a single punch connected to The large womens jaw sending her limp, as she fell her round stomach jiggled in a way only Hermione could describe as when you hit a jelly cake with a spoon.

"You do not know how long I have wanted to do that..." Veronica said softly rubbing her bony knuckles looking down at the unconscious Lilith.

"Mommy!" Cousin Eggwin screamed from the heights of the stairs.

"Oh her spawn arrived," Mrs Zabini sighed rolling her eyes Grabbing Hermiones hand and with a crack in the air the pair disappeared leaving Grangers boring home.


With a crack breaking the air the pairs feet touched the marble flooring of a grand home, Hermione let out a small whine hugging the women, as small sobs came from her mouth. Veronica placed a hand on her head running her hands through her hair.

"Try not to cry over horrible people...our you are going to have a rather hard time during your teen years," Mrs Zabini explained softly holding the girls head to look at her eye to eye, Hermione but down on her lip giving her an affirming nod.

"GrandMothers book was in one of the bags..." Hermione sniffed wiping her thick tears.

"You think I would leave something so important?" Mrs Zabini asked as she pulled the book from under her robe a smile formed on her lips as she took it in her hands.

Hermione looked around in awe seeing the large front room with two large white stairs with golden railing she looked around seeing the white pillars, hanging on the wall between the various doors white and golden door nob leading to a different room, the paintings waved at her as she walked past she waved back with her jaw hung open hugging the book close to her chest. Before she could completely the house a scream echoed.

"Momma!" A scream ecapes the mouth of a boy she looked around suddenly another loud scream echoed through the large room they snapped their heads to see a dark-skinned boy with brown almond-shaped eyes just like Mrs Zabini's, tied to a red snow sled with blue rope, a taller older looking boy rode on the boys back down the staircase they flew past the pair before slamming into the door the boy standing up fell slamming stomach first on the cold marble floor bursting out in laughter.

''BLAISE! ANTONIO!'' Mrs Zabini screamed with rage, the two boys snapped their heads towards the pair, the older boy had a sharp jaw, and dark braid hair that was braided and fell down his face, and he had green eyes which were upturned.

''Get up this instant you are embarrassing yourself in front of this poor girl!'' She added waving her hands in the air.

'' untie your brother, Antonio,'' she said much calmer, the older boy quickly helped the younger boy get untied, and soon both boys quickly walked to their mother.

''sorry Mother,'' both of them said quickly, both boys were roughly the same height, but you could tell the boy with brown eyes was much younger. Mrs Zabini placed her hands on Hermione's shoulder.

''...this is Hermione...'' She introduced slowly, the two boys looked at each other and back at the shorter girl.

"I-I am Hermione..." She stuttered the two boys looked at each other and laughed.

"I am Blaise Zabini... I am Twelve," Blaise introduced holding out a hand to Hermione, she smiled softly before taking his hand shaking it lightly.

"But he repeated a year," the elder brother coughed under his breath.

"So did you Antonio so...introduce your self," Mrs Zabini cut in holding Hermione's shoulders.

"I am Antonio Zabini...the better looking out of the Zabini brother," the eldest of the pair boasted.

"Sure," A sigh escaped Mrs Zabinis lips Mrs Zabini turned her head from the sound of small cooing.

"And that's number four," She laughed running up the stairs to a small toddler holding a knitted Black blanket. He was rather cubby he had large green eyes, and could black hair a green dummy stuck in his mouth.

"We have an older brother...Orlando But he is at His mates house," Antonio Zabini told her, Hermione gave him a slow nod. Mrs Zabini walked towards the trio holding the chubby toddler on her hip.

"This is baby Angelo," Mrs Zabini introduced showing the toddler Hermione's face split into a warm smile she had never been around a baby before.

"Oh hello I am Hermione," She introduced softly, Angelo batted His eyes at the girl and reached towards her.

"Here...he wants you to hold him," Veronica said holding out Angelo, Hermione slowly wrapped her arms around Angelo holding him tightly, a giggle escaped the child's mouth taking out his pacifier.

"What is he-" She was cut off by Angelo's sloppy mouth cupping Hermione's cheek before pulling away leaving a string of spit. Antonio and Blaise burst out in laughter seeing Hermione's disgusted face.

HERMIONE GRANGER And The Mirror Of ErisedWhere stories live. Discover now