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-!DISCLAIMER! All rights go to J.K Rowling, this is just fanfiction I wrote inspired by J.K Rowlings Harry Potter Book series and Movie series! thank you for reading! enjoy and if you have any questions, complaints or suggestions please comment and I will/should reply-

Blaise carried Hermione and his trunk through the bustling crowed of excited students as She tightly gripped the back of Theodore's robe as he lead them through the crowd.

"Ginger, ginger!" A voice bellowed Hermione turned seeing a small skinny boy with oddly long tamed brown hair boy looking around in a panic.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked letting go of Theodore's robe making her way to the boy.

"My cat ginger he-he ran off," The boy whined Hermione frowned.

"Mi! Arnt you coming?" Blaise called out stopping in his place as people walked past him.

"We do not have all day..." Theodore sighed standing besides Blaise.

"It's night- and I am helping him find his cat," Hermione said waving her hand to the short boy.

"wait you want to help me?" The boy asked in pure surprise and joy.

"Of course," she smiled.

"Oh thank you," He said hugging Hermione tightly.

"Uhmmm, you don't really need to hug her mate," Blaise sighed and Theodore nodded in agreement.

"Sorry sorry, come on," He apologised pulling her arm leading her down the hall, Theodore and Blaise quickly following in suit.

"I swear if he does not take his hand away," Theodore told Blaise in a whisper.

"I am Lorenzo, Lorenzo Hermione Granger arnt you?" The boy asked in a soft tone.

"How did you know?" She questioned knitting her eyebrows together.

"Because your-" he was cut off by Blaise's hand around his mouth.

"He must have overheard Mi," He answered Hermione shrugged.

"What does Ginger look like?" Hermione questioned.

"He is fat... and brown...with pretty eyes," He explained.

"Sounds like your describing your boyfriend mate," Theodore laughed and Hermione shut him up with a glare.

"When was the last time you seen him?" Blaise asked.

"I was in the Hufflepuff restroom," Lorenzo Explained.

"That's the ther side of the train," Theodore complained in a whinny voice. Suddenly deep meows filled the groups ears they turned seeing the overweight cat climbing the wall it long claws diggging into the wall paper.

"Gin-gin," Lorenzo squealed running to him and pulling the cubby cat off the wall hugging him tight.

"I missed you," He sighed rubbing his head against the cats who looked as though it was angry.

The trio looked at each other, their thoughts all judging the boy. Suddenly the train's whistle blew and it started to move.

"Your stupid obese cat is making us late!" Theodore yelled.

"Don't yell run to an exit," Hermione yelled beginning to run the others quickly following.

"Hurry Lorenzo!" Hermione shouted the boy was out of breath as he held his cat to his chest.

"Drop the cat mate," Blaise told him.

"No!" Lorenzo Berkshire yelled back Hermione rolled her eyes and turned around to run towards the boy.

"Give me the cat," She ordered without being asked twice he gave her the cat and sprinted faster towards the other two.

"What does he feed you?" She groaned as she began to run holding the cat tightly. She watched as the three boys leaped out the train she began to sprint faster and jumped from the exit landing in a bush but she began to roll down the large hill with a heavy groan she landed besides the other three covered in leaves and sticks, their backs pressed in sand.

The cat hissed at her and jumped onto the dock, walking towards a pair of shinny leather shoes they looked up seeing a large tall shadow.

''Er'...I...Persum' wer' missin' som','' a large bearded man said standing with a boy holding a large lantern he had large roast cheeks and dirty brown cloths.

"We were helping Berkshire find his baby elephant," Theodore scoffed pointing to the rounded cat.

"It's water weight...he barely eats trust me," Lorenzo cut in defending ginger.

''Er' yer really?'' He asked leaning down to the cat before his eyes found Hermione.

''Little Hermione aye? She certantly takes after Aradia...god bless her soul,'' He said standing up straight Hermione Opened Her mouth to say something before she was cut off by the man.

''well, you three boys can take a boat together and Ms Granger er' can share one with Malfoy...'' He explained the boy turned and Malfoys eyes met Hermione's and shot her a glare which she returned.

''better than riddin' wit' me,'' He laughed putting a hand on his big tummy, Hermione smiled up at the giant.

''well...come on can't be late for the great feast...that's my favourite subject,'' He told the group of five as they walked onto the dock They laughed but Malfoy roll his eyes not liking the julvinile Joke.

''same,'' Thedore agreed.

''well It looks like we will be very good friends little one,'' He told Theo, Theo laughed as he got into the boat with Blaise and Lorenzo he slowly kicked the boat and it floated away.

''in ya pop,'' He told Hermione and Malfoy.

''Out of my way,'' Malfoy scoffed pushing past her and sitting in the boat she followed slowly the boat shook as she sat down she gripping the boat she hated to admit it...but Hermione was absolutely terrified of boats mainly water swimming classes was one of the many things failed to supply by the Granger household.

''stop breathing heavily,'' Draco snapped towards Hermione

''I am not,'' she yelled, he started to rock the boat.

''STOP IT MALFOY!'' She yelled as he rocked it harder she held it tighter.

''STOP!'' She screamed feeling tears well up in her eyes.

''fine...your no fun,'' he sighed as he turned to Hermione.

''are you crying?'' He asked her halfly concerned.

''No,'' she lied before sniffing he rocked the boat and she screamed and he stopped.

''scared of water huh Granger?'' He said grinning she glared at him whipping her eyes.

''scared of Antonio?'' She quickly said back and he shot her a glare.

''you better not tell anyone,'' he snapped.

''I won't tell...if you stop shaking the boat,'' she Reasoned he groaned turning his head.

''Whatever,'' He responded it went silent she looked ahead seeing the castle and the sky painted with green and blue streaks. Hermione let out a shaky exhale the stars shined bright, brighter than she had ever seen before she looked down and saw Malfoys head turned looking at her.

''you have leaves in your hair,'' he told her clearing his throat.

''what?'' Hermione asked he moved closer and took out a leaf.

''OI!'' A voice yelled they snapped our heads and saw Blaise standing up in his boat Theodore snapped his head and glared at Malfoy as Lorenzo pet his cat unbothered. They made it to the grounds a bunch of children were there, Blaise grabbed get arm as soon as she stepped foot on the grounds.

HERMIONE GRANGER And The Mirror Of ErisedWhere stories live. Discover now