Chapter 55: Business Potential

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Now that he has two new Skills to use, Ichor immediately starts to analyze their function first before he starts to do anything else.

'<Healer Wisdom> Should be the origin of that part of my mind that I found. There's also the part about hearing the 'Life' of others when I have enough understanding about them too. That's interesting.'

Ichor checks out the floating Kori on the water, who seems to be sleeping peacefully despite her teammates being given a fate worse than death nearby.

'I'm guessing that the 'Thing' I heard from inside Kori here is the 'Life' that the Skill is talking about. It seems to be deeply connected to her in a way, so asking for its host's evolution is probably just an instinctual drive for both its and her survival.

'So that begs the question, what exactly did I understand about her that I could hear her 'Life'? Me knowing that she's an ice mage and a spammer is certainly not enough to fit the requirement, so it must be something else entirely.'

Not knowing about what can be considered important information is certainly annoying Ichor at the moment. He's thinking of running some tests on her to see what constitutes 'understanding' within the Skill's scope, but he quickly puts away that thought back to where it came from.

'Never mind, she's unresponsive right now. It's better just to wait for her to finish her evolution before I start getting information from her. But the problem is that I had nothing to speed up her evolution at the moment...'

<Healer Wisdom> is certainly a powerful Skill to have, as it's able to analyze Kori's evolution status and gives Ichor the necessary information about it along with what he can do about the process.

Stopping her evolution or causing it to go horribly wrong is certainly something that he can do easily, since he can just use his healing Skills to mess with her and destabilize her body's balance, either tilting it toward an undesired direction or just breaking it entirely. But for him to speed it up, he has to use something that has a high concentration of ice element for her to absorb, and a fistful of snow on the street is not even close to being pure enough for that kind of thing in the first place.

'Well, at least her body can create that by itself, so that shouldn't be a problem at the moment. She just needs a lot of vitality to complete the process, which I already covered for.'

'Wait... There's a part about my control over my healing abilities, isn't it? I wonder what it does exactly for each Skill.'

Remembering the first part of the description of the Skill, Ichor tries out the Skills that could be considered as the healing type that he has. Soon, he finds out the answer to his question.

To start, all the healing types Ichor has that are inside <Healing Array> Skill are now a lot easier to control, and could possibly let him heal only a part of the injury while leaving the rest untouched if he has enough training with it. It would probably be needed in case he needs to deal with the two hanging prisoners he has right now.

<Life Aura> is still a passive aura that Ichor can't put away at the moment, so he has to make do with the enchantment on [Thaumiel]. But he can now actively choose who he wants the Skill to work on within its area. He can now even control the degree of effect that the Skill has, like making someone bleed half as fast or being exhausted four times slower. He can't make them force them to be worse like double the bleeding rate due to the Skill being healing-type, so that's disappointing.

<Healing Specialization> and <Enhanced Recovery> have a similar change, as he can now also control the former's multipliers for his healing types to be equal or less than they should be, letting him nerf his healing if needed. As for the latter, not only can he nerf it like the rest, but he also feels like there's something new about it that he doesn't know how to tap into at the moment.

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