Chapter 13: Meeting Lumi Again

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'Blood! Want blood!'

"Didn't you already drink it this morning?"

'Too small! Still hungry!'

"... Fine."

Ichor sighed before he put his hand into the coat pocket where Crimson was.

He then creates a small, but constant stream of blood for her to drink.


Crimson quickly enjoys the blood like a kid getting their favorite ice cream.

Right now, Ichor is walking to the Clinic for work. He managed to wake up early this time, so it's still a bit dark outside.

Walking through the houses that are still closed and the shops that are preparing to open, he can see the Hopeful Clinic's sign.

What's different about this time, however, is the fact that there are two heavily armored people standing on either side of the door.

"... Is that the two paladins from the church? Why are they standing in front of the clinic?"

Ichor is confused about what they are here for, but he doesn't stop his steps.

Once he was close to the Clinic, one of the paladins noticed him and looked over and seemed to be surprised at Ichor being there.

"You're the kid that came to the church for the affinity test, aren't you?"

Realizing that the paladin was the same person as the one that he had asked to at that time, Ichor nodded.

"That's me, what are you two doing here?"

Hearing that, the paladin returns to attention before answering,

"The priestess is currently inside, so any outsiders are prohibited from entering the building."


Ichor quickly thought of someone before showing his ID card.

"I work here, so can I enter the Clinic?"

"Wait, you work here?"

This seemed to surprise both paladins by a lot. But discipline is clearly ingrained into their body, as they didn't break their posture at all.


"5 days now if you count today too, 6 if you count the day off yesterday."

"... Very well, you can enter. I will need to check you first, though."

"Fine by me."

After a patting check by one of the paladins, Ichor passed the check pretty quickly. They were also a device that they used to scan him for something, but nothing came up.

They also don't mind about Crimson being in his pocket, as they simply tell him to make sure she doesn't cause any problem inside. Ichor naturally accepts it.

"You can enter now."

Ichor nodded before entering the building. And the very moment he did, he found out something was odd inside.

'The heck is this tension in the air?'

The tension inside is similar to that of two groups of delinquents about to fight with each other while there are other students nearby.

There was pressure, there was danger, there was a feeling of not supposed to be here.

But those things are too small for Ichor to understand, and he can feel that it was not meant for him directly.

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