Chapter 39: Planning On the Fly

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(I just realized that I wrote the Marie instead of Maria, so I'm here to fix it.)

"So enticing and yet so dangerous... You really are a unique one."


"Well, here I come."

Without anything else to say to each other, the battle begins.

With a sudden stomp on the ground, Maria launches herself at Ichor at high speed.



A sudden blurred dark silhouette flew toward Ichor, with the latter getting down on one knee before sending a left uppercut at the approaching silhouette. This causes a bright light to appear between them before Maria flies into the air while Ichor crashes straight into the ground.

Less than a second has passed, but the first strike has been made.


'Tch, that almost sent my arm out of its socket.'

Ichor thought to himself as he quickly got up from the ground, holding the nearly crushed arm with his healthy one.

If it had not been for the fact that his body is strengthened considerably and that he had diverted Maria's dash to the air, then he might really lost it then and there.

Very quickly, the crushed arm starts to twitch and move as it quickly heals itself back to normal. Just in time for another attack to come.


Quickly dashing to the side with all he got, Ichor managed to dodge the fright train of a charge coming at his back in a nick of time.

Rolling on the ground before jumping up and dashing away, he activates a skill to help him in this situation.

'<Minor Concealment>.'

This skill is meant to help Ichor hide from others passively along with hiding his trace when activated. And while hiding the trace that he left on the snow is nearly impossible to do so, he doesn't need it for that.

Rather, it has the hidden effect of reducing the effects that the environment has on his movement. It's not much since the snow can barely reach his ankle, but he'll take what he can get for now.

'So purification does work on the armor, but the effect is minimal.'

Ichor looks at the trace of the attack he had launched on Maria just now.

He had secretly activated <Healing Specialization> to enhance the purification effect to 5 times for that punch just now, but all he got from that is just something similar to a white burnt mark on the stomach of the armor.

'Guess fighting against those that are two ranks above you is not really a smart thing to do huh.'

Sneaking another blow at Maria's chest plate and breaking his arm again, he thought about what to do next.

'I lost in strength and match-up, this is not a nice situation to be in isn't it?'

While he is a bit distraught about having to fight someone who is above his level again, he's at least glad that Maria isn't as hard to deal with as the Smoke Controller Demon from back then.

After all, Maria is still just a really strong armored demon, so he can still beat her down if given enough time. This is the opposite of the bastard who kept turning into smoke every time he almost landed a hit at it.

Thinking about it while continuing to strike some blows at the charging demon, he quickly creates a few solutions for the problems of the fight.

'Firstly, strength.'

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