Chapter 53: Flowing Blood

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(Yay! 5k-word chapter, this is way too big for me man, but I can't cut it into two parts cuz I don't want [And wish] to do it.)


Whenever Crimson thinks back to her times before coming to this world, this emotion will always come to mind.

Back then, she would always drink blood from Ichor at every opportunity she got, making sure that she wouldn't get caught or swatted to death by him. The amount of blood she drank at a time is at least three times more than that of other mosquitoes, but the feeling of hunger still remains all the same.

Physically wise, Crimson's insect body is tiny when compared to the rest of her species. While her sudden increased intelligence partially contributed to her increased blood intake, there's another reason that is unnatural even by this world's standard.

Ichor's blood doesn't stay liquid inside her body.

It's an insufferably bad thing to feel first-hand, drinking the blood that is full of nutrients and is overwhelming to your tastebuds, only to feel all of those evaporate out of your body a few seconds later. 

The nutrients mostly disappear into nothing, but you still have the addicting taste that seems to invade your very soul, leaving you to be filled with thoughts of ravenous hunger for more. The only thing you can do is to seek more blood, but the blood from other sources is now repulsing and unfulfilling to you, leaving the source of this blood as the only source of food for you.

That is the case for Crimson, her diet is completely disrupted by a taste of Ichor's blood, forcing her to be dependent on him for survival. But unlike her, who gained many abilities and intelligences that helped her survive continuously for years, the other mosquitoes would quickly die either from Ichor dealing with them, or by being overwhelmed by hunger to the point of their body fully shutting down, killing them in the process.

During that time, Crimson would have a few guesses that her growing mind could think of in regard to this situation. But somehow, her mind would always come back to thinking that the blood simply rejected her and her species as a whole. Or rather, it completely rejects the notion of being inside any non-human being in any way.

An irrational thought, it truly is. But as if there was something that manipulated her thoughts from the shadow, this is the only thing that could make sense of the situation she's in. Her mind was deaf to her own rebuttal, ignoring all other possibilities that could explain it, and simply chose this guess as the truth. And so, this is all there is.

That is until both of them found themselves in this world.

When she finally bound with Ichor, there was a feeling of recognition that wasn't from him being emitted through their tether to her. It wasn't anything great like being accepted by it in any way, it was more like she was promoted from being despised to being tolerated somewhat.

But by being tolerated by this...'thing', she can now drink Ichor's blood without having it evaporate from her body! Moreover, the addictive taste is more mellowed out and natural than before, essentially like the taste suddenly turning from drugs into chocolate.

Now, she can go after the blood of others and taste it too. Most have bad taste, like that rabbit with a horn that tastes like the spray poison that is used to kill her kind. But there are some that she admitted to enjoy more than she thought. And that's not even counting the many Skills that she got from just drinking blood either, as they are in a different layer of emotions altogether.

But no matter what, she's still enjoyed Ichor's blood more by a long shot. It's mainly because of the taste and the fact that she only needs around a bottle cap worth of blood to survive for a day, but it's also because Ichor tends to forget the time when he's reading something, so she will always have a feast whenever that happens.

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