Chapter Thirty-One

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Somewhere in Montana :)

April 16th, 2016 


Sometimes, Taylor forgets where Camila was raised.

I mean, she has a strong British accent, her mother lives there and has her whole company based there. It would honestly be hard to believe she was raised anywhere else if the singer didn't know her well.

But, just like Taylor, she actually spent most of her time on a farm. It is a bit different of course. Taylor lived in Pennsylvania on a christmas tree farm, and Camila lived on a ranch with horses and cattle. Still though, as Taylor walks through the halls of Camila's Aunt's farmhouse, looking at photos of Camila wearing a cowboy hat, boots, flannels and jeans, she can't help but smile at the thought that around the same time, she was wearing the exact same thing.

Turns around, Camila hadn't told anyone but her manager, hockey team, friends, and Taylor, that she was fostering Ronan. Which is why, when her sister came to her house for a surprise visit, the whole family was suddenly informed.

Taylor had spent the last few days with them, helping Ronan with online school and helping Camila with the kids while also adjusting to the new studio she's in and having to do meetings over zoom in Camila's office. It's fun though, which is why, when the brit nervously invited her to come with them to a family reunion in her hometown that was planned so everyone could meet her new foster home, Taylor instantly accepted.

She's been at a bit of a crossroads lately, so maybe a vacation would be nice. Selena says this is important, and she needs to ask Camila to be her girlfriend in case the woman starts believing they're nothing more, so she needs to plan a nice date and figure out how to ask. But they never have time, and no date seems right, so she truly just doesn't know what to do.

She doesn't need to know Camila is having the exact same issue since Kaylee got in her head about needing to ask Taylor to officially be hers.

So they took her private jet to a small and cozy little town, and after a short car ride with Fred and Leo, they'd finally got to the pretty little farm.

It's slightly run down, and Camila explains it's been owned by them since before she was born. She looks over to a few hockey rinks away, an adorable little house lays, abanded.

"I grew up there. At least...for a while I did." She says, letting Leo take her bags inside as she gets the kids out of the car. Ronan is a bit nervous, but Camila has spent hours reassuring him that everyone will be nice and he'll have fun, and he believes her.

During the plane ride, he'd gotten to know who Jasper and Dalia call "Aunt Lila", but it's clear he hasn't taken much of a liking to her. It's nothing personal, but he isn't too fond of expensive things, and she'd spent the entire 4 hour flight trying to buy his love. Camila spent that time hiding her laughter and cuddling Taylor.

When they finally got inside, Taylor was instantly shot with thousands of greetings. Turns out Camila's family is huge, because Aunts, Uncles, cousins- both older and younger-, and grandparents came running up to her and the little boy- Ronan- in her arms, ignoring Camila completely which she simply laughs off.

A woman with clothes boots and loose jeans comes over to them, tightly hugging Camila before she gasps and pulls Taylor into a possibly tighter hug.

"Well butter me up and call me a biscuit, you must be Taylor!" Okay. Turns out she's super country, as it takes Taylor a moment to realize what she's even saying with her thick accent. Camila....used to sound like that? "Camila won't stop going on about you! Her great friend, the singer, the baker, the songwriter, the business woman, Taylor Swift! I'm Alex. You must be her.....friend. "

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