Chapter Nineteen

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Roseville Medical Center, Roseville California

January 15th, 2016


"My baby!"

Jennifer screams, letting out a gut wrenching scream as she slams her fist against the window.

When she notices the door is unlocked, the one that leads into the room her 14 year old daughter is currently dying in, she harshly opens it and storms in.

Camila watches from the bed- well, she tries to. Her mother's cries fall on deaf ears, and all the young girl can hear is the sound of her own fading heartbeat in her ears. Blood is pouring out of the wounds on her stomach, the ones she inflicted on herself, and if this wasn't the woman that laughed when her own husband died, Camila would say Jennifer cries even harder at the sight of them.

"My baby!" She continues to scream, but someone harshly grabs her and begins to tug her out of the room. It's Bonnie.

The woman has only been in Camila's life for three months, but she's already been a better parent than Jennifer ever has been.

Jennifer thrashes wildly, using a strength nobody knew she had (Camila will eventually learn that that is mom strength. It comes in anytime your child is in danger).

"Save my baby!" She screams as she is finally forced out of the room, the doctors too busy trying to stop the flowing blood coming out of Camila's wounds to care about the screaming lady.

"She's dropping." One of them says with emotion, followed by the sound of a loud, fast beeping noise. Someone needs to shut it off. Camila is so tired. They need to shut up that stupid sound. Why can't they understand her?

Someone seems to notice her struggle, but they can't exactly help her speak as blood gurgles in her mouth. Why aren't they helping her?

Camila's vision is fading, but she uses her last bit of strength to choke out, in the small hope her mother will hear her and save her, "I don't wanna die."


Camila is frozen, staring at the wall in front of her as Taylor watches with curious and worried eyes.

"Mama....I don't wanna die."

Jasper's words thump around in the mothers brain, the same ones she herself had said eleven years ago.

She didn't know what to say to him, so she didn't say anything.

"You're not going to die." She couldn't lie to him and say that, not because she knows anything yet (the doctors are still running tests on him) but she doesn't exactly know if he's okay.

So she just shushed him, kissing his forehead as he fell into a deep sleep.

Taylor had joined Camila in the soft chairs next to his bed a bit after he fell asleep, cleaning up the cot her friend slept on last night (and for the last two days) before she took a seat next to her.

It's silent other than the sound of the beeping machines, but Taylor doesn't make a move to fix it. Camila seems to like the silence, and either way, she's way too occupied with staring at Jasper's chest to make sure he's still breathing for something like a conversation.

Taylors okay with it though. If Camila doesn't want to talk, that's fine. If she wants space, that's fine, but one thing is for sure; the blonde will not leave her to suffer alone. Even if she has to stand outside the hospital with Fred, she needs her friend to know that she isn't alone. She's got support.

Infrunami - Taylor Swift x female OCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat