Chapter Ten

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a/n: this is mostly just a filler cuz I'm stressed out rn. next chapter will be the best chapter in this book tho.


California Cobras Stadium, California

December 8th, 2015


"The man who says his wife can't take a joke, forgets she took him." - Oscar Wilde.

It's a quote her sister had playfully sent her after getting the news she was divorcing Carlo's, and at the time Camila had simply laughed and carried on with her day.

But now, as she sits across the table from this man who has a smug smirk on his face while telling her about why he destroyed his son's toys, the words are blaring at the front of her mind. How could she have fallen for such a sick excuse of a human being?

"Makeup is for girls. Women, at that. I don't want Dalia wearing makeup because she's too young, and I don't want Jasper wearing it because he's a boy. You should start teaching him to like manly things the way I do." The brit clenches her jaw, eyes not moving away from the broken, blue play makeup set with bright colorful eyeshadows in it and a small double sided brush in its respectable holding place.

Jasper's playing with the neighbor's kid, a little girl named Vic who loves hanging out with him. She doesn't get to do it very often since the divorce, and part of Camila feels bad for taking her kids away from the only home they've ever known. It was the only way though. She couldn't take him to court. With her job as a professional hockey player and her moms famous business, everyone and their mothers would know, and it wouldn't work.

The one time Camila did call the police, he was in a holding cell for a few days before she was proven "wrong"- she wasn't wrong. His older brother, chief of police, knows that. She can still remember the sympathy in his eyes as he dropped Carlos off back home. The man came back into their lives in less than a week, letting all hell rain lose the moment he came home to see the mother and son packing up bags. Dalia was two at the time, so she mostly crawled around, ate, and slept. Carlo's didn't mind her, nobody really did. He never once laid a hand on the little girl or his son. They were "his babies" as he called them.

He can call them that after he gets beaten so badly he could barely walk right before going into labor and pushing a human out of his uterus.

"I don't know what you want me to do Carlos. He can play with what he wants. If it's not hurting him, his sister, or the people around him, he can do whatever." She declares, but it's clear he doesn't like that as his eyes burn into her cheek when she turns her head to look out the kitchen window.

"You sound just like you did when you were drinking. Not caring one bit about what happened with our kids. You know, I bet Jasper could've waddled in front of a car and you wouldn't have hesitated to buy a new bottle of scotch to drown out the issue." The words hit deep in her chest, but she knows that's what he's trying to do. He's trying to get into her head, make her vulnerable enough for him to do what he wants.

Liam and Addie- the bodyguards that she stopped needing to follow her around when she was fifteen but insisted on joining her everywhere she went after learning she had been hiding the abuse she got for a little over four years- step forward, as if getting ready to kill him before Camila simply stands up and begins walking towards the door.

Carlos and the pair follow after her, but the man is fueled by anger. Before her hand can grab onto the door hand, his hand is on her wrist with a painful grip that she's sure will leave a bruise. She may be a hockey player, but he's always been weirdly strong thanks to his job as a construction worker.

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