Chapter Five

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USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, California

October 20th, 2015


Grabbing Dalia out of her car seat and helping Jasper get out of his booster seat, Camila places the three year old on her hip, swings the duffle bag of stuff over her shoulder and then takes her son's hand in her free one. Dalia instantly curls into her mothers hold, the tiredness clear as her eyes begin closing one again. She slept the whole hour and a half car ride, but the athlete doesn't blame her daughter for still being tired after being woken up at 5am.

Jasper's appointment is at 7am, and it's currently 6:45. They stopped for some food, but Jasper is still a little scared to eat stuff before a chemo appointment after his first one where he threw up his oatmeal. Camila knows the feeling, but she also knows the feeling of going through the treatment with no food in your system. It makes you feel even more nauseous than usual, and induces the feeling of dizziness after the appointment is over. It doesn't help that barely ate any dinner last night after his blood drawing appointment.

It's only his second second round of chemo, but he already knows that he hates it. Camila understands, but she was fifteen when she went through chemo. It's a lot easier to force a tired teenager into a hospital than a tantrum throwing an eight year old.

Last night, his mother had let him sleep in her bed and helped him get to sleep by telling her about her time doing chemotherapy. She didn't sugar coat, not wanting to lie and say it was all rainbows and sunshine, but she didn't tell him that it was ten thousand times harder without her father by her side.

He hasn't asked for his father once since his diagnosis, which is making Camila conflicted. Should she be happy her son doesn't need his father by him during tough times? Or should she be worried that he doesn't?

They get to the elevator, Dalia clinging closer to her mother when it begins moving. Camila has a fear of elevators, but it got better when she had kids and couldn't take the stairs every time she took them somewhere with more than one floor.

She presses the third floor, the floor for chemotherapy, and right as the elevator is going to close, a voice yells, "Hold the elevator please!" So she lets go of Jasper's hand to hold it open. A blonde woman runs inside with a tote bag on one arm and a bag labeled, "Mike's Pastries" on the other. The door closes, and the woman lets out a sigh of relief before turning to face the family.

The face is a familiar one, even if the brunette has only met this girl a few times. "Miss Swift." The blonde's smile is contagious, even on a day like this one. "Miss Davis." She replies, smiling even brighter at the young kids.

"Ghost right?" The singer questions Jasper with a teasing smile, and Camila's smile grows when his infectious laugh fills the small space.

"No silly! I'm Jasper!"

"Hm....I think I'm gonna stick with ghost."

Her eyes fall to the youngest girl, and she squats to Dalias level as she asks, "And who might you be?" Dalia shies away, hiding her face in her mothers neck as she mumbles, "Dolly." Camila chuckles, using her free hand to rub circles on her daughter's back as she tells Taylor, "Dalia. But people call her Dolly."

"Well it's nice to meet you Dolly. I like your shirt." Dalia smiles against her moms skin, slightly leaning back to show the singer her smile. It's one of her favorite shirts, a gift from Kaylee, that has a big white cat on it who has a mean mug look. "I have a cat who looks just like that. Her name is Olivia Benson." That makes Dalia finally move her head out of hiding, fully smiling at the blonde.

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