Chapter Twenty Four

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8732 Wentworth Ct, Roseville, CA

February 9th- 12th, 2016

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"Oh god....what just happened?" Taylor lets out something like a groan when Camila pulls away and says this, chasing the girl's lips for a second before just pouting.

Why the fuck did Taylor just kiss her?

"I kissed you. And then you kissed me back. Let's continue that." That blonde mumbles, wrapping her arms around Camila's neck.

Her friend just pulls away from her embrace, beginning to pace the length of the roof as she rubs her hands together.

"You're drunk Taylor. You're drunk, you don't know what you're doing, and.....and you have a boyfriend!" She suddenly shouts the end of the sentence like she just remembered that, a new found panic in her eyes.

The singer finds herself giggling as she holds up her pointer finger to the brunette's lips as a way of telling her to be quiet. Camila stares at her in disbelief.

"This is serious Taylor! You're in a relationship!"

Taylor shrugs and walks closer to her friend, her voice dropping to a deep whisper as she asks, "Did you not like my kiss?"

Camila sighs, looking up towards the gray sky as she speaks, "It doesn't matter. You have a boyfriend. You love him. He loves you."

"He's never told me he loves me. And besides that, do you love me?" Her words clearly shock the athlete who just freezes in place and continues to stare at the sky in silence.

Her reply comes out as a whisper, "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if I love you."

Taylor scoffs, stumbling towards the balcony doors as she says, "I wish you would have told me you don't love me before I kissed you."

"I didn't know you were going to kiss me Alison! You gave no warning, you have literally never expressed any interest in me that wasn't platonic!"

"That is a lie and you know it!" Taylor suddenly breaks, gripping onto the window seal for stability. "All I've ever done is say how much I love you Camila! Since day one, you've been it for me! Fuck! A part of me knew when I was drunk out of my mind at the Met Gala that you could be someone I could spend the rest of my life with! Because....because you were funny and-and kind! the kind of person you would want to be next to you through thick and thin."

She sounds way sober then she did a minute ago, and now she can see the tears streaming down her friend's face. She looks so scared, though Taylor can tell it's not directed at her. She's scared of what could happen.

"Cake time!" Someone shouts from downstairs, so Taylor just giggles and walks through the window like nothing happened. She leaves Camila there, crying silently as she watches the sun slowly set.

Everything she said...just to walk out of here to go celebrate her boyfriend's birthday. What did it mean? She sounded so sincere yet so heartbroken, but the look on her face just showed she was purely intoxicated. Camila's been that way. Emotional yet drunk like a poet. But she can't remember one time she'd been that emotionally raw and sad.

There's no way Taylor would've meant it. Not when she just walked away.

But maybe...just maybe...a drunk person's words are truly a sober ones thoughts.

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If Taylor is going to act like nothing happened, like the kiss didn't matter to her one bit, Camila will do the same.

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