Chapter Eighteen

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a/n: sorry.


Roseville Medical Center, Roseville California

January 11th, 2016


Camila is playing hockey when the call comes.

It's her 15th game of the season (the rest of the teams 20th since she had to leave for a bit to take her ex-husband to court) and they're winning by one point. Her phone is on the bench in Charlie's hand, and he hands it off to Georgie without looking at the buzzing device when he gets told to hit the ice by coach.

It's Kaylee, but everyone just assumes that she forgot it's game day and is calling for some unimportant rant. So, with no guilt at all, he turns off the phone and puts it down next to Camila's water bottle before he goes back to listening to Coach talk.

The brit is happy, a rare occurrence recently unless she's with her kids or Taylor. Hockey makes her happy though. Always has.

Game day is focus day. So when she goes back to the bench for a quick rest and Georgie tells her Kaylee was calling, she ignores it and the several notifications on her screen. She's just babysitting the kids because Dalia had a tummy bug this morning and didn't want to come to the game, and it's very possible that Jasper just stole her phone and is wanting to talk to his mama.

So Camila ignores the small bit of hesitation in her head, skating back onto the ice as she shoves the thought that something is wrong out of her brain. Her kids are fine. Taylor is fine. Carlos is gone. She's fine. Life is fine.

But if everything is fine, why does it feel so wrong?


The fact that Kaylee has left 38 messages and 13 unanswered calls is what makes Camilas heart rate pick up a bit.

She's just finished showering and is talking with the team about what they should do to celebrate their win, but the conversation fades away as she reads the messages.



Csll ne.

Bkoofy hell.

The messages seem like they were typed quickly as many of them are misspelled and messing words, but there is only one that makes her world go silent. It makes her want to scream and cry at the same time. It gives her the adrenaline to run miles.


Something is wrong with the kid

Her team's questions about where she's going fall on deaf ears as she doesn't bother finishing tying her shoes before she's sprinting out of the room and to her car. All she has on her is her phone, but the thought of going back inside for wallet and bag don't cross her mind as she peels out of the parking lot at a speed that's probably illegal.

The athlete's phone connects to her car Bluetooth as she tries calling Kaylee once...twice....five times.

Every time, it rings for a bit before the robot voice says, "I'm sorry, the person you are trying to call cannot pick up at this time. Please try again." The more and more she hears them, the more and more her friend doesn't answer, both panic and anger fill her.

Why the fuck isn't she answering?

So she tries Bonnie.

The older woman was supposed to be going over there today to get some stuff from Camila's office. Maybe she knows what's wrong.

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