Chapter 2

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"Natalie, all my clothes are at my house." I say whilst looking very innocent for nothing.

"I can get them, if you want." Natalie kindly offers.

"Thanks, Nat. You're a really good friend".

"So are you."

The car pulls out by my house. Natalie runs inside and puts all my clothes and anything else I would have wanted like a hairbrush, maybe some mascara, in some suitcases we have lying around.

She comes out and loads them in the boot. Throughout that whole time I've been thinking about Anna, I feel like I know her from somewhere.


"This is your room, Darling." Natalie's mum exclaims.

"Thank you so much."

"I'll leave you to unpack and make yourself feel comfortable and then we can eat dinner."

"Ok. I won't be to long."

I actually didn't unpack at all. I thought, if I'm only gonna be here a week, why unpack when I can just use my suitcase as a wardrobe.

I came downstairs to find Natalie serving up chicken wraps with green beans and ketchup.

"Hey." I say quietly.

"Hi, you ok?"

"I'm feeling a bit better."

"Good. Well here's your wrap, if your still hungry after then you can have another."

"Ok thank you." I go to sit down on the most isolated side of the table. Away from everyone. However, everyone followed me.

"Is there anything you need?" Natalie's mum asks.

"No, thank you." I say, I then pick up the wrap and a tear starts to fill my eye.

"Maia, what's wrong?" Natalie says, looking very worried.

"Wraps was Alicia's favourite food." By now nears are streaming out of my eye.
Natalie takes the wrap off and puts it on her plate, leaving me with chicken, green beans and ketchup. Natalie's mum dashes into the kitchen.

"Here," she hands me a fork

"Thank you." I say quietly. "My aunt Kathleen is really strict and I wish I could stay here."

"Aww, Maia, you know if we could, we would. But there's nothing we can do when it's family. Plus, I think I would struggle with financial funds a bit."

"That's alright Mrs Birkette, I understand."

"Please, Maia, call me Allison."

"Thank you, Allison."

"You're welcome dear. I think that now you've finished eating, you should go upstairs and finish unpacking. But remember, you're leaving in a few nights."

"Yes, I'll be back down in a few."

"Take care dear."

"I will."

"I might go up with Maia, if that's ok with her." Natalie interrupts.

"Yes, I'd like that." I lie.


"So, will you be going to the same school?" Natalie says.

"Should be. But because of how rich aunt is, I will probably already have a private tutor."

"Oh, well we have to keep in touch."

"We will. You are my bestest friend, and I couldn't wish for a better one."

"Maia, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Neither would I"

"Well you better get packing, you leave soon"

"Yeah you're right."

I'll leave you alone then."

"Ok, I'll see you in a bit."

"Goodbye Maia, I'll miss you."

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