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Foxes react: chapter18

"This isn't pity," Jeremy said. "We're doing this for us, not you. Your success this year has us rethinking everything about how we play. Are we second because we're talented or because we have twenty-eight people on our line-up? Are we good enough as individuals to stand against you? We have to know."
Kevin snatched the paper from Dan's hands and looked at it. Matt leaned over his shoulder to see and said, "You're joking. You're joking.
You're not?" he asked with an incredulous look at Jeremy. Allison yanked hard on his sleeve, wanting an explanation, so Matt said, "There are only nine names on it."
"Two goalies, three backliners, two dealers, two strikers," Jeremy said. "You've made it this far with those numbers. It's time to see how we'd fare in that situation. I'm excited," he said, with another toothy smile. "None of us have ever played a full game before. Hell, most of us don't even play full halves anymore. We don't have to because the numbers are always in our favor."
"And you called me a crazy fool," Kevin said. "You'll lose tonight if you play like this."
"Maybe," Jeremy agreed, unconcerned. "Maybe not. Should be fun either way, right? I don't remember the last time I was this psyched for a game. Look at this." He held his hands out to them and laughed. "Bring it, Foxes, and we'll bring it too."
He left them staring after him, his head high and his smile honest.

They were shocked because there is no way in hell that that just happened "I am not hallucinating I am?" asked Dan "Damm" added Matt, they couldn't believe it Jeremy and his Team were suicidal but with this they really might have a chance to go up again the Ravens. Kevin looked ready to build a shrine the only thing that was missing was for fin to go down on his knees and that earned him weird looks but he wasn't paying attention.
At twenty-five minutes, the Foxes finally closed the gap. Laila was a nightmare in goal, but Kevin and Neil had an advantage few teams who faced the Trojans had: they had a nightmare in their own goal who they had to practice against daily. They'd spent all year trying to outsmart the best goalkeeper in the south. They didn't have that much time to figure Laila out, but they didn't need it. Laila's defense was quickly falling apart in front of her and she couldn't hold her goal alone. Kevin and Neil combined Fox and Raven footwork to break past the stumbling backliners and slammed goals home one after the other.

Loud cheers were everywhere as they saw themselves actually do it, Dan and Matt were hugging each other, Alison was bragging to Renee, Nicky was annoying Aaron with his comments witch he totally deserved, Andrew was tuning all that out and for last Wymack and Abby were looking at this all like proud parents.
The final bell sounded on a thirteen-nine win, Foxes' favor. Neil stumbled to a stop and pried his helmet off, needing to see the scoreboard without his visor in the way. No matter how many times he blinked the score remained the same.
"Is it over?" Neil's backliner mark gasped out. "Oh, thank god."
Neil looked over at Alvarez and was floored to see her smiling. She thrust a gloved hand his way even as her legs wobbled and gave out. Neil caught her somehow and helped haul her back to her feet. She propped herself against him and scrabbled ineffectually at the straps on her helmet. It took her a few tries before she realized her fingers were too numb to manage it. She gave up and tapped her helmet against his instead.
"Is this what dying feels like?" she asked, and called over her shoulder, "Babe, I think I'm dying. Do I still have legs? I can't look down. I don't think I have legs. I don't think I'll ever walk again."
"Uh-huh," Laila said, trotting over to them. "You'd better figure something out, because you're definitely too heavy for me to carry off this court."

"Wow they are done for i don't think any one of the ones that played are going to be ok for a while" said Nicky, this showed how much the foxes have grown it would be a lie to say that it didn't amaze anyone because it did except Kevin because he is never satisfied with them and someone really needs to wack him on the head with something.

(Two more to go🥲😭)

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