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Foxes react: book2 chapter 1

They didn't waist time talking, yes it was awkward but Seth's death was something that happened ages ago so there was no point for any strong emotions now that could come later.
He forgave himself for being jaded. At eighteen years old, he'd seen more people die than he could comfortably count. Death was unpleasant, but it was a familiar and tolerable ache in his chest. Seth Gordon's unexpected overdose Saturday night should have meant something more to Neil since they'd been teammates and roommates for three months, but Neil felt nothing.

Nothing was said even if Aaron wanted to point out how fucked up that was he knew not to. Neil's reaction was what could be considered normal with a past like his so there really was no room for anyone to comment on it.
This week it was the last four digits of Abby's phone number. Neil was starting to think his teammates were right about Wymack and Abby's invisible relationship.

At that looks where thrown at Wymack and Abby trying to see if it does anything that shows them the truth. Abby looked embarrassed but Wymack on the other hand looked just about ready to start writing them up for marathons so it was quickly dropped as they continued watching.
Neil had a love-hate relationship with his reflection out of necessity. He was the spitting image of the murderous father he'd run away from eight years ago.
Hair dye and contacts were the easiest way to hide his face, but keeping up with it when he lived with the Foxes was exhausting. He checked his roots twice a day every day and slept with his back to the room so he could take his contacts out at night. The case was kept in his pillow case and he had spare lenses in his wallet. It was tricky, but it helped keep him alive and safe. Neil didn't think it was going to be enough anymore.

Hearing the way Neil admits to hating his reflection just because it looks just like his father didn't do anything with bringing the mood up it made them even sicker, knowing how hard it would be for Neil himself and hearing how exhausting it was hiding it from the the whole time did nothing to better the mood.

(Thank you to everyone that helped me find the English books online!!)

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