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Foxes react: chapter7 part1

The screen continued.
Nicky grinned and gave Neil's hair another tug. "Speaking of, ditch them tonight. Your contacts, I mean."
Neil's stomach roiled. "Shut up."
Nicky gave an exaggerated look around as if checking for eavesdroppers. "Look, it's not like they're a secret. Anyone who's looking can see the ring in your eyes that means you're wearing lenses. I saw 'em day one. I just didn't think they were fashion lenses until Andrew said so. And seriously? Brown? How boring can you be?"
"I like brown."
"Andrew doesn't," Nicky said. "Take them out."
"Please," Nicky said. "No one's going to see you but us,
and we already know they're a lie. Don't wear them." "Or what?" Neil asked.
Nicky's silence was answer enough. Neil was ready to brush that warning off, but he caught himself. He was sure he could hold his ground against Andrew, but he wasn't facing Andrew alone. He was going out with Andrew's entire group half the state away from here. Nicky was honestly trying to help him get the night off on the right foot. Neil didn't think much of that consideration. He knew which side Nicky would take if things got ugly.

"At least he's smart enough to understand that" said Aaron and it was the truth but the upperclassmen still sent dirty looks at Andrew's direction excluding Renee that stayed out of it with a smile.
When he was finished changing, he took a long minute to study his reflection. He wasn't sure what to make of the result. No matter how many times he and his mother changed their identities and languages, one thing stayed the same: they aimed for nondescript fashion that would blend in with an everyday crowd. Neil wore faded tees and plain jeans and worn sneakers, generally in pale colors that helped wash him out further.
This outfit was the complete opposite, and every piece of it was black.

"And I must say it is a waist that he doesn't buy himself a new wardrobe" said Nicky some of the upperclassmen  were agreeing and were about to start talking about what genre of clothes would better suit him "shut up" said Aaron not really caring or in the mood to listen to shit and they did eventually quite down and kept on watching.
there weren't any open holes. He was sure he could feel his scars through the thin cloth.
There was only one thing left to change. Neil's stomach churned a little with nerves when he took his contacts out. He blinked a couple times, adjusting to their absence, and flushed the brown lenses down the toilet. A glance at the mirror almost took his breath away. It'd been over a year since Neil had seen his real eyes, since he never left bed without putting his contacts in. His eyes were a chilly shade of blue that only looked brighter against his black hair and clothes. He couldn't look at them for long; they were his father's eyes.

By now everyone had known what his eyes looked like together with his hair and it was true that hey looked good but knowing that because they are that colour he hates the look of them because it looks like something of his father's is nerve racking.
Neil gathered his clothes and left the bathroom. As he turned into his bedroom to drop his clothes off, he caught a glimpse of Andrew's group in the living room. Andrew had picked his lock again. Neil debated how much damage the thick heels of his new boots would do against Andrew's face and liked what his mind came up with.

At that most of the upperclassmen cracked a smile Andrew had like always only a eyebrow raised looking amused Nicky had a nervous laugh not really wanting to imagine it happening because I would most likely had ended with someone in a hospital or maybe worst Aaron on the opposite had a smirk thinking that I would not be a bad idea seeing Neil beaten and Kevin a frown because that would come in the way of almighty Exy.
"Cracker dust," Nicky said as he ripped his packet open. "Heard of it? Tastes like sugar and salt and gives you a small rush. Sure you don't want in?"
"Drugs are stupid."
"Ouch," Andrew said with a cold smile. "That's judgmental."
"I'm not going to apologize for thinking you're being idiotic."
"Is your spine the spine of the righteous?" Andrew wondered. "Are you trying your best to step on my toes because you're feeling the tragic weight of the holier than thou?"
"Righteousness is for people who don't know any better." "Easy, easy," Nicky said, distributing shots around the table. The bartender had put a bit of soda in a shot glass for Neil for this round, and Nicky set it down in front of Neil. "Dust isn't bad. It just makes the night more interesting. You think Kevin would risk his future over a night out at the club?"
"What future?" Neil asked.
Kevin shot Neil a black look, but Nicky intervened before he could say anything.

Even the dark look Kevin gave everyone was not enough to stop anyone from laughing even Andrew who remembered that day like the palm of his hand had the tiniest smirk on his face even Abby who did not approve of the dust part had nothing to say and was laughing too.

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