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The foxes react: chapter 2 part 1

The screen had gone black a while ago and everyone was talking about everything the had just seen and what they learned some even trying to pry things out of Kevin but not going far. Before they knew it the screen started again showing Neil in a airport.
Neil long ago lost count of how many airports he'd seen. Whatever insane number it was, he'd never gotten comfortable with them. There were too many people to keep an eye on, and flying with falsified passports was always risky. He'd inherited his mother's connections after her death, so he knew the work was good, but his heart did double-time every time someone asked to see his papers.

"Wow look at that he has connections that can provide him falsified passports" said Aaron with a sarcastic surprised tone "Well it doesn't look like his is wrong about them being a good work since it has worked till now" said Alison.
Aaron Minyard was oft-referred to as "the normal one" of the two, though that was usually followed by a debate over whether or not he could be sane when he shared genes with Andrew.

Alison was full on laughing at that, Dan and Matt were trying to silence their laughter with their hands over their moths, Abby was sharing as amused expression together with Waymack and Andrew and Aaron looked offended and was about to say something but the scene just went on cutting him off.
Neil watched the numbers tick above the door so he wouldn't look at Kevin's reflection. Unease over being so high off the ground was almost distraction enough. He preferred staying to lower levels so he could make an easy escape if need be.

Again that was not surprising with everyone mostly understanding why that was but had to be exhausting to think about all this everyday.
Jumping out the window here was definitely out of the question. He made a mental note to find any and all fire escapes.

Once again beating all odds the room was overwhelmed by shock, they all were not believing what was just said "ok guys please tell me that i did not just hear Neil say with other words that if Waymack's apartment was on a lower level he would be jumping out of the windows" said Nicky "you are not the only one" said Dan "oh my fucking god" murmured Waymack messaging his tempel.
Wymack's apartment was number 724. They gathered around the door so Aaron could dig the key out of his pocket. It took him two tries to remember which one he'd put it in. Neil didn't notice when he found it and unlocked the door. He was too busy staring at Aaron's pants pockets. They were much too flat to be hiding a pack of cigarettes, but Neil had seen Aaron put the pack away before crossing the street at the airport.

Andrew raised an eyebrow at that seeing how Neil starting to put the piece together to figure out what was happening would be interesting, "sheesh for a moment there I thought it was going somewhere else" Nicky said earning him a glare from Aaron who had a disgusted expression and Alison laughed at that making him even more pissed but then Waymack suddenly remembered something "wait a minute didn't I task Nicky with bringing him from the airport not only that but it was Aaron who was actually Andrew got him" "no what, you must have seen wrong coach" said Nicky and Waymack was about to say something but was interrupted by Abby "it's all right after all nothing bad happened" and Waymack just huffed murmuring something under his breath and turned back to the screen but not before he saw the upperclassmen except Renee and Nicky wiggle their eyebrows "I swear to god stop or you will be running marathons for the hole fucking year" he said shutting everyone up.
Neil had known since April he'd be crashing on Coach Wymack's couch for a couple weeks. He'd known, in the days following Wymack's visit, that it would be uncomfortable. He still wasn't prepared for the way his stomach roiled inside him now. He'd been on his own since his mother died, and the last man he'd lived with was his father. How was he supposed to let Wymack lock the door every night with both of them under the same roof? He couldn't possibly sleep here; every time Wymack breathed Neil would wake up and wonder who was after him. Maybe he should back out and check into a hotel, but how was he supposed to explain that to Wymack? Would he have to explain? Wymack thought Neil's parents were abusive, so maybe he'd understand Neil's reticence.

That sure was a mood changer, no one had really seen or absorbed any sign that Neil was uncomfortable with the idea of staying with Waymack but it explained a lot to Waymack about why he had flinched back then "that idiot" said Waymack "if he had a problem he should have just said so" he continued "it's alright coach we know that you would do your best to help Neil was new and he didn't know" said Renee with a sympathetic smile they turned their attention back to the screen.

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