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Foxes react: chapter14 part 2

"Someone really needs to put him in his place" said Alison rolling her eyes.
"Do us all a favor and do not speak again. Your insolence has already cost you two teammates. You cannot even imagine what is coming next."
Hearing Riko confirm he'd orchestrated Seth's death made Neil sick with anger.
Andrew and Kevin had said it, but Wymack had written it off as paranoia.
Neil hadn't believed Andrew because he hadn't wanted to, but that what-if had followed him all semester.
Neil held up his free hand and showed Riko his steady fingers. "I'm shaking with fear."
"You should be," Riko said. "You think you can defy me because I am not your father, but you are forgetting one very important fact: I am the family your father was afraid of. And yes, Nathaniel, he was very afraid."
Neil lowered his hand and leaned close. "Not of you," he said, with fierce emphasis. "You're not part of that family, remember? You're the cast-off."
He hoped it would hit, but he didn't realize how deep it would cut. He'd never seen that look on Riko's face but he knew he'd signed his death warrant.

The silence that took over the room was the longest it ever had been as everyone was processing what Neil had said "No way, oh my god he didn't" said Matt shock clear in his voice but he was still unable to hide the clearly there smile he had as he started laughing with everyone else even Andrew couldn't keep his smirk hidden as his eyebrows shoot up with amused.
Neil dragged his attention back to Riko's face. "I think I hit a nerve."
Riko moved like lightning, smacking the cup from Neil's hand and catching hold of his wrist. He gave a brutal twist that sent knives up Neil's arm. Neil choked on a pained curse and grabbed Riko's arm to stop him. He couldn't pry Riko's hand off but if Riko turned his wrist another half-inch he'd break something.

All they could do was watch, they knew that nothing happened to his hand but still they knew what Riko was capable of doing a good example was Kevin's own hand, talking about Kevin poor dude looked about ready to puke his guts out and Andrew was gripping his chair's armrest no one knows how that thing has not broken yet but who where they to say anything.
Riko looked over his shoulder as if expecting Andrew to materialize from thin air. He let go of Neil but Neil couldn't breathe, much less move to put space between them. Two teammates, Riko had said. Neil's insolence had cost him two teammates, but Seth was only one.
Riko turned back on Neil and wagged a finger as if just remembering. "Ah, but that's right. I heard they carted him away.
Something about his brother fucking him brainless, yes? How scandalous. How traumatizing."
"Don't," Neil said.

You could hear a needle drop with such silence. Anger was building by the second and it did not help that that assholes was not done with what he was saying.
Riko ignored him. "Drake was an interesting man, wasn't he? I should thank the police for leading me straight to him. I might not have discovered him otherwise. Did you know, Nathaniel? Oakland lawyers are some of the cheapest to buy off. It only took three phone calls to arrange the whole thing."
"You set Andrew up."
"That isn't even the best part." Riko smiled when Neil shook his head and continued. "Did you know I've bought one of the doctors at Easthaven, too? Unless you want these little therapy sessions of his to turn into therapeutic reenactments, you will be on a plane to West Virginia tomorrow morning. Jean will give your ticket to Kevin. Do you understand me?"

If all what everyone was feeling before was bad this was even worse, Neil really only said half of what Riko had said or maybe not even half. "If Neil hadn't punched his face in I swear to god I would have happily done so for him" said Matt expression dark just like everyone's else even Wymack had a good grip on his chair all except Andrew he knew about the 'deal' and he knew it was not kept but he didn't move to explain to anyone from what it looked like they were going to see anyway.
Neil didn't have words, so he answered with his fist. He didn't have a lot of room to swing but he made do and caught Riko right in his vulgar mouth. It knocked Riko back a step, giving Neil a little more space, and Neil caught him in the eye next.

"Matt was right it is beautiful" said Nicky as silent cheers were heated, "that was so well deserved, it's satisfying to see" said Dan.
Neil wanted a gun. He'd settle for Andrew's knives, but those were hidden under his pillow at Palmetto State. He dug his fingers into Wymack's arm hard enough he'd leave bruises for sure and smiled so hard it hurt.
"Yes," he said, because what else could he say? "I understand." "Apology accepted," Riko said.

"Come one not even a good punch could not even knock him out of his high horse even just for the slightest" said Alison with a dramatic eye roll.
Neil sucked in a shaky breath and looked at Kevin. In French he asked, "Did you get it? My ticket?" Kevin stared at him and through him, too stunned to understand or respond. "Kevin, look at me."
"I'm going to kill him," Nicky said.
"No," Neil said, with a ferocity that had even Matt eyeing him warily. "We've got to break him first. If Exy is the only thing he cares about we're going to take it away from him. First we destroy his reputation, then we destroy him. I don't want us to lose a single game this spring. Can we do that?"
"Not a single damn game," Dan said in a hard voice.
Neil looked around at them, at the cold rage on their faces, and focused on Kevin. He tried again in French with an insistent, "Do you have my ticket?"
"You're not going," Kevin said. "Do you know what he'll do to you?"
"Do you know what he'll do to Andrew if I don't go?" Neil said. "I don't have a choice. I have to go. You have to trust me."
"He will break you."
"He wishes he knew how," Neil said. "Trust me. I promise I'll come back, and when I do I'll bring Andrew back with me. It's going to be fine. So do you have my ticket or don't you?"
Kevin pressed his lips into a hard, white line and looked away. "I have it."

"I can't believe it you guys were talking about him going right in front of us" said Dan, she glanced at Kevin but didn't say anything else since Kevin didn't look his best.

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