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Foxes react: chapter2

The screen continued as all the talking stopped.
"Why is chemistry so awful?" Neil asked, reaching for the next assignment.
"If I figure it out, you'll be the first to know," Dan said. "You could always ask Aaron for help. He's majoring in biological sciences."
Neil would rather fail than spend more time with Aaron.

Aaron scuffed at that with a sour expression and his next words filled with disgust "Like I'd want to spend more time with him" "it's ok it's ok don't worry no one thought otherwise, you don't really try to hide your hatred towards other people" said Matt "shut up" Aaron said back with a growl "see that's what I am talking about" "fuck you" no mind was paid to what came after so they just kept on going.
His Spanish homework was easier to get through, but his history was too boring to stand. Neil dropped that book on top of his chemistry one and stared blankly at his English assignment. He gave the paper a half-hearted effort, then dug around in his backpack for his math book. As he did he realized Matt and Dan were watching him.
"How many classes are you taking?" Dan asked, frowning at him. "Six," Neil said.

"Damm how is he still alive" asked Nicky "i know right" followed Dan after him "I am just happy we found out when we did because if not it would have stayed like that" she continued.
"You aren't serious," Dan said. "Why?"
Neil looked from her to Matt. "That's what the catalogue suggested." Dan grimaced at him, but Matt answered. "That schedule is for people graduating in four years. Your contract's five for a reason. Everyone knows you can't take a full course load and play on a team."
"Four classes," Dan said, holding up her fingers at him. "That's all it takes to be considered a full-time student. That's the most I want you taking this semester, okay? Figure out which two are going to make your life the most difficult and get rid of them. You're not doing us or yourself any favors by burning out this early."
"Can I drop classes?" Neil asked, surprised.
"In your first two weeks, yes," Matt said. "Where's your schedule? Let me see."
Neil dug it out of a binder and brought it over. Dan motioned for Neil to sit on her free side.

"I can't, he always gets that look that just agh" Alison said throwing her hands out "I could see him being their child" said Nicky it was kind of nice watching Neil like that and they liked helping him.
That made history and chemistry his prime choices, since he hated them. Neil wasn't a fan of his English or Speech classes, but those lessons might come in handy somehow when he had to run away. He needed his Spanish lessons for sure, and math was at least interesting.
Matt passed Neil his laptop when it booted, and Dan and Matt watched as Neil logged into his student profile. Matt reached across Dan to point out the appropriate links to follow.

"Damm he just called math interesting" said Nicky with a sad expression looking at Neil like he has gone the wrong way.
"Better?" Dan asked when his modified schedule loaded. "Look here. You had a break between history and speech, right? Now you've got two open periods. You can squeeze your tutor hours in there if you want. You have one morning class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so you have all that time until practice for sleeping and homework. Works out perfectly, don't you think?"
Neil was more interested in the sleeping than the homework part.

Neil's comment brought laughter in the room, some just smiling and the other laughing. It was refreshing to see and hear Neil acting like that, for him to know how to be a normal kid well as normal as a fox can be.

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