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Foxes react: chapter 4 part 4

"He should just suck it up, if he wanted to leave so badly why is he not gone?" said Aaron, he was annoyed because why did he have to stay here and watch someone's past or life or what ever but his arrogance did not last long when everyone looked at him anger present well Renee had a sad expression and Andrew didn't show much of his emotions but his anger was still there just hidden behind a blank one "l'm just saying" he continued "Minyard there is a reason everyone is here so leave comments like these out next time or there will be a Marathon waiting for you" said Wymack with not much heat just a statement Aaron just narrowed his eyes and turned back not saying anything and the others followed.
"They're a gang," Neil said slowly.
Wymack nodded, watching him carefully and waiting to see how Neil took it. Neil barely noticed the attention. He was thinking back to the last time he'd seen Kevin and Riko together. He remembered scrimmaging and arguing footwork with them. Their game came to an abrupt halt when they were called upstairs. If Neil closed his eyes now he could remember every detail of the room they went to, from its floor-to-ceiling tinted windows to the heavy conference table dominating it. The floor was carpeted, but someone had laid a tarp down on top of it to catch all the blood.

"It's disgusting and sick to think that they let children witness that" said Abby with disgust and anger in her voice and she was not the only one it was sickening,disgusting and disturbing to think or maybe better said hear and see that someone like that exists, to let a children about 10 and a bit older to see that, Renee too even if she herself had seen people get killed and she herself kill she was older a teen and was later helped but this was totally different they had been children and it meant that that was most likely not the only time Neil had been through something like that.
Neil finally knew where he'd been and why. He'd never understood how they went from Exy practices to murder or why Kevin and Riko were there too. But if the Moriyamas were a gang, it made sense. Neil's father worked out of Baltimore and held the eastern ports with an iron grip. His territory's western border would have ended at West Virginia. In that sense he was Tetsuji Moriyama's neighbor, and that would have brought him to Kengo's attention. Neil's father and Riko's father were business partners; that's why Neil was allowed to practice at Edgar Allan's stadium.

The room was filled with again shock and understanding, it made now more sense just like Neil said it was adding up and it was big to find out that Neil's father and Moriyama were business partners.
Neil didn't remember the Moriyamas, but they'd definitely remember him if they'd done business with his father. The Butcher of Baltimore wasn't a man easily forgotten. Neither was his wife, who'd stolen five million dollars the night she ran away with the Butcher's only son. The Butcher turned his people inside-out for years hunting them down. All of his contacts would have heard of it.

The Butcher, he was heard of being someone that no one knew who it was and was his victims where never found and that was Neil's father who he was running away from "oh fuck me" said Aaron and no one said anything but at the same time Neil's mother was something else to steal 5 million from a man like that and take your son running was amazingly brave.

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