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Foxes react: chapter 4 part 1

The screen started playing again.
Kevin barely waited for them to stop at his side before dividing them up with a flick of his fingers. "Aaron is with me. Nicky and Andrew get the child. Two-man team scrimmage with an empty away goal."
"I'm not a child," Neil said. "You're only a year older than I am." Two, really, but he wasn't about to tell them he'd lied about both his birthday and his age.

"So does anyone know how old he is or when his actual birthday is?" asked Alison but all just shook their heads no one really having a clue.
"Get off my racquet."
"Make me?" Andrew said, spreading his arms in invitation. "Try, anyway."
"Don't tempt me."
"Such fierce words from such a little creature," Andrew said. "You're not very bright. Typical of a jock."
"Hypocrite," Neil said.

"Neil's come back never fail to amaze me" said Dan, it was true it showed at kathi's show at the banquet and when ever and it was most likely because of that that some groaned with annoyance seeing how much trouble comes from it.
He ran back to Wymack's place, keeping his pace slower than usual, and took the stairs up to the seventh floor. The apartment door was unlocked, and Wymack was waiting for him in the hall with a can of coffee grinds in his hand.
"Kevin called ahead to say you wouldn't be on the court tomorrow and that I should entertain you with clips of past games. He said you tried to blow your arms out against Andrew. I said you weren't that stupid. Which one of us is right?"
"I might have gotten carried away," Neil said.

"Yea 'might' have been a little carried away" said Wymack he knew what was about to happen but know it was different since he knew the reason for such a strong reaction "yea no definitely did not" said Matt.
Wymack tossed the coffee to him. Neil caught it instinctively, but he couldn't hold onto it. It bounced off the floor at his feet and the lid popped off to spill grinds everywhere. Wymack stalked toward Neil with a snarled, "You idiot."

It was funny seeing that, Neil could be bleeding out and still try to act it out as if everything is fine, Wymack tho he had a stern expression that was unseen by some but Andrew and Renee and it earned a eyebrow raise from both of them when turning back the locked eyes for just a second and turned.
Retreating from a furious older man was so instinctive Neil didn't realize he'd flinched until Wymack froze. Wymack's face went almost dangerously blank and Neil dropped his gaze. He was careful not to look away from Wymack entirely. He needed to see when Wymack started moving again. He waited for Wymack to say something. After an endless, brittle silence, he realized Wymack wouldn't speak until he did.

Andrew and Renee where right something was going to happen but it was still sight to see, Wymack had a blank expression rivalling the one on the screen and the other had a sad/shocked one expect Aaron who hates Neil so he doesn't really care "has he said anything about taking to someone" said Abby "it's Neil we are talking about, he would rather die then actually talk to someone" said Dan, they all knew that getting Neil to talk to anyone even Betsy would not be easy.
"Today was my mistake," Neil said quietly. "It won't happen a second time."
Wymack didn't answer. He didn't come closer, either. At length he pointed at the ground in front of him. "Come here. No," he said when Neil started to reach for the mess at his feet. "Leave it."
Neil stepped over it and went to stand in front of Wymack: within arm's reach but just barely. He'd perfected that trick as a kid. He could look at anyone's arms and judge the safe distance from them in a heartbeat. If they had to move to hit him, he had enough time to dodge. Either way he wouldn't catch the full intended force of their blow.

Andrew and Renee understood how important something like that would be for someone like them and they understood it beings able to know the safe distance to be is like having the upper hand, to know that if someone tries anything you could still be able to avoid or at least like Neil said not chat the full force of the attack, the others excluding Aaron had that look that looked at Neil like he was a hurt puppy but if Neil was here the only thing he would want it would be pity "if only I could see his father" said Matt anger present in his voice what came next was unsaid but everyone knew what he meant "well we don't know who he is or how capable he is" said Renee with thinking expression her eyes a little dark and Andrew had a similar expression.
"Look at me," Wymack said. "Right now."
Neil dragged his stare up from Wymack's chest to his face. Wymack's expression was still too blank for Neil to feel safe, but he knew better than to look away again. "I want you to understand something," Wymack said. "I am a loud, grouchy old man. I like to yell and throw things. But I don't throw punches unless some punk is dumb enough to try me first. I have never, ever hit someone without provocation, and I'm sure as hell not going to start with you. You hear me?"

"Aw coach you don't have to be so hard on your self" said Nicky to brighten up the mood it changed nothing but he still tried.

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