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Foxes react: chapter3 part2

Everyone but Kevin and Andrew were surprised and shocked they knew how ruthless he was but that somehow take the cake, that moment Andrew really was targeting him.
Neil barely heard him. "You had no right to read my file!"
He regretted not flipping open the folder when Wymack put it down by him at the stadium. He couldn't believe Hernandez had said such things in his letters to Wymack. He knew Hernandez had to explain his situation, or at least as much as Hernandez understood it to be, to prove Neil was a fit for the Foxes' halfway-house team. Neil still felt betrayed, and on its heels was anger that Andrew had dug up those papers about him.

"Well it's understandable why he would be angry" said Abby and everyone knew but at the same time Andrew had his reasons to be wary about Neil at the beginning.
Andrew laughed, sounding delighted to have crossed such a personal line. "Relax, relax, relax. I made that up. We were locked in Coach Arizona's office to watch your game on the local TV station, and he said our secret meet-and-greet would be easy since you always shower alone last. Told Coach he still couldn't find your parents. Coach asked if they'd be a problem, and Arizona said he didn't know because he hadn't met them a single time. Said they spent a lot of time commuting to their jobs in Phoenix and no time at all checking in on you. But I'm right, aren't I?" Neil opened his mouth, then closed it before he gave Andrew a piece of his mind. Andrew wanted him to react, so Neil had to reel it in. He sucked in a slow breath through gritted teeth and counted to ten. He only made it to five before Andrew's smile was too much.
Neil didn't believe Andrew about the showers, but it was better to investigate than stay here and take a swing at Andrew.

"Well that is better than him actually snooping around" said Nicky with a awkward laugh "I don't know about you but I would want to see what would have happened if you know Neil actually punched Andrew" said Alison and Andrew looked at her with a apathetic look that showed nothing but he was testing her, Aaron narrowed his eyes glaring at her and she was looking right back with her head held high, everyone knew that if Neil had punched Andrew it would escalate real quick.
"Do I have to?" Neil asked.
"It's mandatory once a semester for athletes," Abby confirmed. "The first time is a casual meet-and-greet so you get to know her and find out where her office is. The second session is in spring. Of course, you're free to visit her any time you like, and she'll talk to you more about scheduling while you're there. Counseling services are included in your tuition, so you might as well make use of it."
"Betsy's amazing," Nicky said. "You'll love her."
Neil doubted it, but he let it slide for now.

"You know what I just realised, every time Neil met a new person or was about to meet the he always says he will not be getting along with them" said Dan "it is probably a default reaction since he has trusted no one till know" said Renee giving a sad smile Dan gave a nod since that made sense, being on the run doesn't sound like it is easy to trust people.
It was after ten when Wymack decided it was time to go, and Neil left with him. Getting in the car alone with him was the hardest thing Neil had done all day. Andrew was crazy, but Neil had an ingrained distrust of men old enough to be his father. He spent the entire ride frozen and silent in the passenger seat. Maybe Wymack noticed the rigid set to his shoulders, because he said nothing to Neil until they were back at his apartment.

Wymack had a sad look but was accompanied with a angry one most likely towards him self for not realising it sooner his shoulders were tense when Abby put a hand on his shoulder "hey you didn't know it's ok" she said "but he should have said something even a lie" he answered "look at it this way, it was something knew for him and right know it is better then what we are seeing" as Abby said that she gave his shoulder a squeeze and Wymack gave a short nod and they went back to watching.

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