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Foxes react: chapter8 part1

They continued after it all calmed down, Andrew still had his hand gripping the chair but it was better than anyone dying right now.
Neil knew that voice. Suddenly the events of the previous night slammed awake in his mind, flickering laser lights and music and bodies and Andrew's voice at his ear. He bolted upright but didn't make it far. The resulting pain had him collapsing against the mattress once more. Nicky caught at his hair to push his head off the side of the bed. There was a trash can there that Neil barely registered before he was throwing up into it.
Nicky murmured reassurances Neil couldn't really hear.
As soon as Neil could breathe again, he twisted and shoved at Nicky as hard as he could. He was too sick and weak to push Nicky off the other side of the bed, but the boots he was still wearing would leave bruises on Nicky's arms and chest.
"Hey, hey," Nicky said, trying to deflect him. "It's fine. Ouch! Relax, will you?"
"Don't you fucking touch me," Neil said savagely.

"well it's good that he at least likes the boots" said Aaron looking bored it got some smiles out of some but not any strong reactions.
Nicky retreated from Neil and sat on the edge of the bed instead. Neil struggled to get up, using the headboard and nightstand as support. Standing took so much out of him he had to stop and catch his breath once he made it there.

The eyes of most in the room were dark, it was not only Nicky they were angry at he might have kissed Neil with out permission but they had drugged Neil.
"He's awake?" someone asked from the door.
Neil snatched the alarm clock up and hurled it at the new arrival, who ducked out of the way just in time. It crashed off the doorframe. Aaron waited until it had fallen to the floor before stepping back into the doorway.

The upperclassmen and Andrew himself looked amused at what was happening on the screen.
Neil meant to look for another weapon, but moving so fast turned his stomach inside out. He grabbed at the trash can again and choked so hard he almost fell over.
"Where's Andrew?" Nicky asked, climbing off the bed and coming around to Neil's side.
"He and Kevin went to get us brunch."
"I don't think Neil can eat anything."
"He can watch."
Nicky laid a careful hand on Neil's shoulder. "Come on. I'll get you some water."
Neil shook him off, but his legs didn't want to carry him.
Nicky let him try standing twice before looping an arm around Neil's back and steadying him. "Easy, now. I'm just going to help you to the kitchen, okay? No funny stuff, I promise."
"Like I trust you."
"Like you've got a choice," Aaron said, and left ahead of them.

The room what still field with disapproval, anger and to many other emotions but it was stable now and it was starting to calm down.
Nicky helped Neil down the hall to the kitchen and set him up at the table with a glass of water. Neil's throat burned, but he refused to drink it. He settled for glaring at Nicky. Nicky looked to Aaron for help. Aaron stared back over the top of his coffee mug, unsympathetic and unhelpful. Nicky sighed and turned to Neil again.
"Can I check on your head, or are you going to bite me if I touch you?"
"What did I say last night?" Neil asked.
"Nothing to me besides an admirably creative death threat." Nicky's mouth quirked in the start of a smile but he suppressed it, maybe understanding Neil would punch him for it.

"Well I do understand why he did it" said Matt while he send a look at Nicky who laughed nervously looking away from him.

"I don't know how your conversation with Andrew went, but it didn't end well. Rumor has it you paid a busboy a hundred bucks to knock you out. Way to cut our night short."
Neil didn't remember that, and the gaps in his memory left him cold all over.

"What did he say?" said Abby looking at Andrew's lot, she had a concerned expression since she was most likely worried about what they just heard meanwhile Andrew's lot did not say anything, Andrew had a face that showed that he was unamused, Aaron did not care enough to answer anything about Neil, Kevin was just Kevin not having been effected because it did not interfere with Exy and Nicky who didn't really have to say anything so he kind of shrugged and kept on going, "I have to say that is awesome, just pay someone to knock you out" said Alison with something close to fire in her eyes witch earned a disapproving look for some but somehow it felt like it was something that Neil would do.
"Drink up," Nicky said. "You'll need all the water you can get today. Crackers'll dehydrate you like no one's business."
Neil answered by upending his glass onto the floor. "That's mature," Aaron said.
Neil threw the glass at him. Aaron smacked it away and let
it shatter on the ground.
Nicky sighed. "Don't say I didn't warn you. You can have
the shower first, okay? By the time you're out Andrew will be back and you can ask him about last night."
Nicky guided Neil to the bathroom. He started to say something else, but Neil shut the door in his face and locked it.

It was kind of funny seeing Neil act that way, the upperclassmen enjoying the moments of Neil's comments towards Andrew's lot "I have to say that Neil right no is a total mood" said Alison making some smile, even Andrew had a raised eyebrow not because of what she said but seeing what was happening on screen since it was kind of amusing to see the arguing like children.
Neil took advantage of the privacy to seethe, giving himself a full thirty seconds to silently rage over last night's stupidity. Then he balled it up and shoved it deep. Anger wasn't going to help him right now, and it wouldn't erase whatever did or didn't happen last night.

"He is right, with anger he would have not been able to think straight" said Renee she knew herself that in a situation like that it would be better to ignore it for now, the others understood as well since it was given that if Neil acted with anger something similar to what had happened with Kevin was bound to happen again.
A window between the mirror and the shower had white translucent glass to block the outside world. Right now, the window was the only thing that really mattered. Nicky wanted Neil to wait for Andrew, but Neil couldn't stick around that long. There was no way he was getting in the car with them for the long ride back to Palmetto. He'd get the answers and explanations he needed, but not in unfamiliar territory with all of them against him.
In the zippered coin section of his wallet was an emergency pair of contacts.

"He does really think of everything" said Dan "it's a given since if anyone was on the run for so long changing identities every so often they would acquire skills like these" Renee said with a dark look on her face since the thought of a little child having to run from everything and learn things the hard way.
Neil ripped open the foil packets and put them on, then changed out of his club clothes and into the jeans and tee. The outfit was almost a perfect fit. Remembering how they'd figured out his size only ignited his anger further. Neil stuffed his discarded club clothes into the toilet, shoving them as deep into the water as he could and closing the lid on them.

At the beginning it was silent but it did not last long when laughter took over with the upperclassmen being the loudest excluding Nicky and Aaron who most likely had to be the ones to clean it up. When it calmed down a bit from the jokes and insults flying around they continued.
He rattled the shower curtain open, cut on the water as high as he could, and pulled the curtain closed again. The sound of the water was almost enough to hide the sound of Neil opening the window. Getting out took some serious wiggling since it wasn't quite big enough for him, but desperation was a valuable lubricant. Lingering sickness from the drugs kept him from moving as quickly as he wanted to, but he'd traveled in far worse shape and he refused to give up. He cut through the subdivision without knowing where he was going and thumbed through his wallet to count bills. He'd taken to carrying several hundred dollars on him at a time, preparations for the worst-case scenario of not having his binder around. He had more than enough to get back to the upstate.

"Know that it's actually mentioned I really want to know how he did it, how he managed to get back" said Matt voice filed with interest with caught the attention of some that wanted to know too and Wymack who gave a angry sign making it known to the others that he knew how "damm that bad?" said Matt witch he got a look from coach with the meaning of yea that bad behind it.

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