Book1 part1

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The Foxes react: chapter 1 part 1

(A little before the bloody locker scene)

Out of nowhere all the Foxes where somehow all together in a room that no one knew where the fuck it is, by now they have been here for a while and they had found out that it looked like a cinema confusing everyone even more but the turning point was when they realised that Neil was nowhere to be seen. By now everyone had calmed down, they had searched around finding nothing else than what was already known.

They all sat down with Andrew and his lot on the front sits, behind them Renee and the others and behind them all were Waymack and Abby.
Once everyone was sat down weirdly enough the TV started playing making some of them jump in surprise.
What was weirder and shocking is that in front of them the TV was showing Neil but not the Neil they had come to find out had Auburn hair and cold blue eyes but the one they had meet earlier that year with black hair and brown eyes.
He was sitting on some bleachers with a cigarette between his fingers "well he looks like he is in a desperate need of a happy meal" said Aaron making everyone look at him but before they could say anything the screen started Narrating what was happening.
Neil Josten let his cigarette burn to the filter without taking a drag. He didn't want the nicotine; he wanted the acrid smoke that reminded him of his mother. If he inhaled slowly enough, he could almost taste the ghost of gasoline and fire. It was at once revolting and comforting, and it sent a sick shiver down his spine.

Andrew now knows why Neil would more often than not just kept his cigarette close and breathe it in, but this all felt wrong they were seeing things that Neil never gave permission to and that made Andrew angry but there was really nothing to do here since the screen kept on going.
Skipping some of the text in the book
He wondered—not for the first time—if his mother was looking down at him. He hoped not. She'd beat him to hell and back if she saw him sitting around moping like this.

"She sounds lovely" said Matt earning some small laughs from some but Waymack followed with "You know Neil's mother like he has said till now is dead so why would he keep the story of his parents not being there was because of business, why hide the fact that one of his parents is dead no one even knows his father" he tried to be quiet wanting to say most of it to Abby and he was right it was but everyone knew that there had to be a reason there they were Foxes after all.
Skipped some stuff
Coach Hernandez propped the locker room door open and sat beside Neil.
"I didn't see your parents at the game," Hernandez said. "They're out of town," Neil said.
"Still or again?"
Neither, but Neil wouldn't say that. He knew his teachers
and coach were tired of hearing the same excuse any time they asked after his parents, but it was as easy a lie as it was overused. It explained why no one would ever see the Jostens around town and why Neil had a predilection for sleeping on school grounds. It wasn't that he didn't have a place to live. It was more that his living situation wasn't legal. Millport was a dying town, which meant there were dozens of houses on the market that would never sell. He'd appropriated one last summer in a quiet neighborhood populated mostly by senior citizens. His neighbors rarely left the comfort of their couches and daily soaps, but every time he came and went he risked getting spotted. If people realized he was squatting they'd start asking difficult questions. It was usually easier to break into the locker room and sleep there. Why Hernandez let him get away with it and didn't notify the authorities, Neil didn't know. He thought it best not to ask.

At this point everyone knew that Neil had a past but for most excluding Andrew and Kevin there was still the question about where his father is and how he managed because he still had to pay for things like food and it did not seem like he had anything going on.
"I'll call them later with the score," he said, because Hernandez was still watching him. "They didn't miss much."
"Not yet, maybe," Hernandez said. "There's someone here to see you."

"Wait is this when you guys went to go and sign him up?" asked Nicky with a exited voice "looks like it" answered Kevin "you know I don't get why we are here doing this" said Aaron "well I don't see any way out of here or you trying to find one" answered Allison but before it could escalate any further the scene continued.
To someone who'd spent half his life outrunning his past they were words from a nightmare.

At that Renee had locked eyes with Andrew both having their own understanding of the situation and after a moment Andrew saw Kevin who after the banquet before Winter break when Neil went to the Raven Tower seemed to know something but has jet to say what, but till now the some what truth that Neil had given him checked out.
Neil leaped to his feet and slung his bag over his shoulder, but the scuff of a shoe behind him warned him he was too late to escape. Neil twisted to see a large stranger standing in the locker room doorway. The wife beater the man wore showed off sleeves of tribal flame tattoos. One hand was stuffed into his jeans pocket. The other held a thick file. His stance was casual, but the look in his brown eyes was intent.

"Poor him he looks like he seen a ghost" Dan said with a smile on her face "yea coach must have really scared him" added Matt, coach Waymack looked embarrassed at that.

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