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Foxes react: chapter8 part2

"There is no way that he suggesting to just push all that under the rug and not call the police" said Alison with white anger in her voice and she had the right to be, it was absurd how Neil just wanted to let it pass "if you paid attention that is what he said" said Andrew with a bored tone, he was doing it to just mess with her and it worked as she send him a glare.
Neil let go of Wymack and took the wet towel from an unresisting Matt. His lungs felt like they were pulling tight as he crossed the room to his birthday message. He breathed shallowly so as not to set off his gag reflex and scrubbed the letters off the wall. There were enough clean patches on the towel afterward for Neil to wipe his hands off. He came back to the others and dropped the towel in the sink to worry about later.
"Neil," Matt said.
Neil didn't want to hear it. "Change out, Matt."

They couldn't say anything it was sick to see him wipe it off on his own and they knew that if he was in front of them they would berate him but for now they just wanted to see who was bold enough to do something like that.
Neil looked around at them and focused on the one most likely to help him salvage this. "Kevin," he said, and continued in French. "Get them moving. We've only got forty minutes until serve."
"Can you play?" Kevin asked.
"I'm pissed off, not injured," Neil snapped. "I'm not going to let this keep us from winning tonight. Are you?"
Kevin considered him for a moment, then turned a caustic look on their teammates. "Get moving. We have a game to win."
"You're joking," Matt said, coming up behind Andrew and looking between the strikers. "You're really going to ignore the fact that this," he stabbed a finger in the direction of Neil's locker, "just happened? Neil, you look like a Carrie stunt double. You don't even want to get security up here while the scene's still fresh?"
"No," Neil said. "I don't."
"You're joking," Matt said again.
Neil looked at him. "Riko is an egotist and an asshole. He wants us
to react to this. If we do, he wins. Don't give him that satisfaction. Pretend this never happened and focus on the Terrapins."
It took Wymack only a few more moments to pick his side. "No one's changing in here. Get your gear and get out. You can have the girls' room when they're done with it. I will give you one chance tonight," he said when Neil looked at him. "If I think your head isn't in the game, I will pull you so fast you'll get whiplash and Dan will take your place. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, Coach," Neil said.

They could have guessed that it was Riko behind it all but why pull something like that, the reason being that he just wants a reaction out of them is very little they feel like there is something more that he wants to achieve with this bloody message but after thinking about it nothing came up, it couldn't be that he wanted them to be distracted and lose because after what Neil had said on the interview he would look stupid but there was not really anything else they could come up with. "He is getting out of hand there really needs something to be done with because if he could do all that for shits and giggles there really is nothing he couldn't do if he wanted to" said Dan and they all knew it they have seen how dangerous Riko can be, but if they acted against him no one really knew what would happen next because it would well mean that the Moriyama family would do something.
"No problem," Matt said. "Need anything else?"
"A clear shot at Riko and no witnesses," Neil said.
Matt grinned like he thought Neil was joking and left.

They all shared Neil's passion on that comment and they somehow felt sorry for Matt for thinking it was a joke and Dan patted him on the arm.
Neil stood under the spray and checked under his fingernails for blood. He found none, but for a minute he swore he smelled burning flesh.
Neil was the last one dressed, as usual, and he found his teammates waiting for him in the lounge. Wymack was standing in front of the entertainment center with his arms crossed over his chest. Abby was hovering in the doorway. Neil was tempted to continue past her outside and skip this conversation entirely. He doubted anyone would let him get away with it, so he sat beside Andrew on the couch.
Wymack waited until he'd gone still before starting. "First off: the massacred elephant in the room. Massacred birds, rather. I called in a favor with the faculty and got Abby access to the microscopes in the science labs. We needed to make sure that wasn't human blood."
"That's morbid," Nicky said.
"But necessary considering who we're dealing with." Wymack shook his head. "The last thing I want is to put you all at risk. The court is supposed to be a safe place for you, but I've failed to protect you. I have half a mind to install cameras in here in the public areas, but I won't do that unless everyone agrees. If we do rig something up, the only ones who will see those tapes are the people in this room right now. I want people in our business as much as you do.
"Which leads me to my second point: Neil asked us to leave the authorities out of this," Wymack said, looking each of his Foxes in the face. "I respect him enough to allow that, but it's not up to just me. Are you going to be okay with that?"
"You're really just going to let Riko get away with this?" Dan asked.
"He wouldn't have done this if he thought he would get caught," Neil said.
"Maybe we can't get him, but we could get his middlemen," Matt said. "No one's perfect. Everyone leaves a trail."

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