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The foxes react: chapter 1 part 4

"well that was something but I guess at the end it all worked out" said Nicky "exactly" said Andrew earning him a glare from Waymack.
It'd been years since Neil stood in the same room as Kevin, years since they'd watched Neil's father cut a screaming man into a hundred bloody pieces.

........ Now that was something that nobody was ready for, it was silent with surprise, shock and horror. Kevin was the worst looking, he looked sick and ready to throw up as if he was remembering what Neil meant by that, but by time everyone started understanding what was happening, Neil is on the run from his father that has most likely killed people "you guys still think it was a good idea" asked Aaron horror clear on his face no one really knew what to say even Andrew was not ready for the witch was shown only by the slight shift of his eyebrows understanding why Neil was so set on on Andrew not being able to protect him, it would be a lie saying that it was not scary knowing that but somehow it was even more shocking to know that Neil has been running from all that for how many years.
He'd had an enviable and unavoidable learning curve, but he'd still fought hard to not shine.
Had he slipped? Had it been too obvious that he had past experience he wasn't talking about? How had he caught Kevin's eye despite his best attempts to stay hidden? If it was that easy for Kevin, what sort of beacon was he sending to his father's people?

And after now knowing all that they understood why Neil thinks like that, signing up would but him in the spotlight what he has been avoiding for so long and it was showing by what they were hearing.
His inexperience. If Kevin remembered him, he'd know that file was a lie. He'd know about Neil's little league teams. He'd remember the scrimmage interrupted by that man's murder. "That's why," Neil said quietly.
"That's the only kind of striker worth playing with." Relief made Neil sick to his stomach. Kevin didn't recognize him and this was just a horrible coincidence. Maybe it was the world's way of showing him what could happen if he stayed in the same place for too long. Next time it might not be Kevin. Next time it might be his father.

As time passes even more things were coming to light about Neil, "hey Kevin what does he mean by little league team" asked Matt "when Neil was 10 he had come to the Raven tower for the tryouts and as we all know he was there this winter with that being one of the reasons"
for some that explained why he was there but Andrew knew the other reason too.

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