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There was an unusual ruckus in the house Piero and I glance at each other as we made our way out of the room only to find mother's face tensed watching the inflow of all the noble families coming in.

Huge ass armed men follow the Pazzi's all pushing themselves inside father's office with the Borgian's after them with twice as much more escorts heavily armed. Davide with both Luciano and Enzo alongside pass the corridor with long strides.

I saw the moment Luciano stops to give a brief nod to my mother his eyes following to the stairs upto my room grabbing onto Piero I hide myself behind his figure before he resumes back to join his brother and father in the room.

The power these men exudes can make anyone shiver within their radius even so being brought up in this environment, nothing changes the fact that when you see them you run the opposite way though this option has been taken away from me

We both exchange a knowing glance making our way downstairs passing mother's strained figure, "Where do you think you both are going?"
"The kitchen" we said in unison smiling giving a tired sigh she let's us loose. Piero eyes mother closely before we steer towards father's office carefully hiding ourselves in the dark hallway.

"The fuck is happening! I thought you wiped every single Auditore from the face of the earth so how the hell is this possible" Cesare speaks gritting his teeth,a loud crashing sound was heard possibly the sound of the glass breaking.

"You think I'm not keen to know about the multiple attempts at my family's life." It was almost then the fall of the chair was heard, "You dare not behave this way infront of me" Matteo struggles to breath constricting the air from his lungs "My father is dead and I sit like a fool waiting for his revenge while you keep your family tucked away safe" Cesare releases him swiftly while he coughs violently.

The two of us have been expecting to hear our father's stance on it but he's been quite for long in the time being we grow relentless hearing the loud growl and cussing inside.

"Gentlemen, please take your seat so we could plan this in a more civilized manner" father speaks dismissing any further mutiny to break out calculating his each word before it comes out from his mouth. An uproar of unpleasant grunts could be heard but they complied regardless.

"Now that we are all seated Matteo I need you to get your best men to work on this case, Auditore's have always bested us all in some way or the other." A displeased grumble erupts from Cesare's which he soon tones it down "And you need to calm the fuck down. You'll have your revenge but it will happen on my terms" he said leaving no room for argument or objections.

"Davide I need you and your sons to work parallels with them" waiting for their approval Enzo speaks gritting his teeth "Like fuck we would" pushing his chair back "We are in no way working with those roaches" someone loads the gun then the others follow up the same.

Shiver ran down through my spine my eyes almost bulging out in fear realizing the bloodshed that could happen at any moment now. Silence stretched for long before Luciano spoke in a low groan "I suggest you put the damn fucking gun away from my brother's."

It dawns upon me at the same time that I cannot run away from this gruesome world of constant war waging time and time again. It's the unvarying fight for power and to emerge as the mighty invincible at the cost of masacarring countless people.

To know that the man I love is too deeply involved in this world not only sends a wave of unsettling emotions but also twists my heart causing an ache to flow inside of me.

The gunshot shattered the air, a violent punctuation mark in the tense silence. A primal scream ripped from my throat as pure, unadulterated fear flooded me. I didn't think, and happened to react. The door lurched against the wall with a bang as I threw it open, bursting into the room in a whirlwind of terror.

Inside, the scene froze. Luciano's face etched with a mix of surprise and grim determination, all the men whipped their heads around. The gun, which had been aimed at a shadowed corner, swung with a deadly arc, now pointing directly at my chest. The world seemed to slow, the air thick with the metallic tang of gunpowder.

My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs, each beat a drumbeat of dread. In that agonizing moment, a thousand horrific possibilities flooded my mind. Had they hurt him? Was he lying there, lifeless, on the floor? The terror was a physical thing, a cold knot tightening in my stomach, threatening to steal my breath.

I catch onto the amusement latched on their faces to find my petite figure standing on the doorway Piero came to a halt with a thud on my back they all tuck their guns back as they all intently watch my shivering figure with tears streaming down my face.

Relief washed over me like a tidal wave, so intense it almost stole my legs from under. There he was, to my father's left, standing unharmed.His face, however, was a mask of worry etched with lines that hadn't been there before. His eyes, usually dark and cold to all, held a flicker of surprise that quickly morphed into something deeper, a desperate urgency that mirrored my own fear just moments before.

A choked sob escaped my lips. The terror that had gripped her moments ago wasn't entirely gone, replaced by a potent mix of relief and a fresh wave of panic for his well-being.

He was walking towards me, slowly, cautiously, as if navigating a minefield. The unspoken question hung heavy in the air - what was she doing here? Shame, hot and prickly, washed over me for a moment, but it was quickly overshadowed by a fierce protectiveness.

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