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I watched the school authorities coming towards us when one of them helped in picking me up as I saw the others helping the boy who had his bike laid on his body crushing him beneath as such it looked like." Oh dear, looks like you scraped your elbow you must go to the infirmary right away and take Mr. Montanari with you. He too got some minor injuries." I nodded to the lady staff and looked at the boy expecting him to join me when he I saw him walk past me.

Dumbfounded with what just happened I walked towards him trying to catch up with his pace " Ya! Will you slow down or something I'm having a little trouble catching up with you" I yelled panting crouching down. I watch him walk towards me with large strides just the way he was walking away from me unbothered by my presence a few minutes back and forwarded his hand towards me "I'm sorry I didn't realize that" he said. His voice was all I could think about forgetting that I need to say something in return which is when he spoke again "You okay?" "Uh, yes I'm sorry. Well if you could just slow down a bit as you see unlike you I've got shorter legs." I said slightly laughing and embarrassed about it as I take his hand and stand up.

He chuckles and shakes my hand with the one he helped me stand up "Luciano Montanari,that's my name and what's yours.?" he said. I held onto his hands saying "Alessia Medici, this is my name." I think I saw his jaws tightened but in a second it relaxed and he smiled back.

We walked together to our way to infirmary after getting ourselves treated we went straight to our class turned out we shared the same lecture. I told him on our way to class how she's going to be super pissed at us for showing up late to her class. As I was too scared to be the first one to open the door and gain the attention of every student in the class I asked Luciano to do it.

I watch him enter the class while I followed behind him wanting little to no eye contact with Miss Runa. "Luciano are you okay? I heard about the mishap this morning." Miss runa asked shocking the entire class including me which made me have doubts whether is she really her. I mean its pretty unusual of her being concerned about any student, she doesn't give two fucks to know the reason let alone know the reason beforehand is mind blowing. "I'm okay" he said and went straight to one of the seats in the back without waiting for her to reply while I had all my attention on Luciano Miss Runa cleared her throat for me to look at her.

I could sense the shift in the air "Alessia I'm really sorry about the school timing's, looks like it came between your beauty sleep." She said and before I could come up with a lame ass excuse I heard him say "She was with me." all the heads in the class turned towards him including mine "I was the one who nearly hit her with my bike. She even scraped her knees in order to escape the hit. It was also her who helped me show the way to the infirmary." I looked at Miss Runa once he finished talking and observed the change in expression of hers with one of pure annoyance to a pleasant smile "Oh I see, I'm sorry you must sit down then you've been standing for too long now." she said rubbing my back and helped me walk to my seat.

The day went by with catching Luciano stealing glances of me in between the classes with a look on his face that I cannot quite decipher. The bell for the break rang as students hurried their way to the cafeteria, I too picked up my books stuffing them inside my bag " Dudeeeee are you okayy, who did it." I heard Lola yell literally in my ears and examining my body for any injuries. I pressed onto her shoulders making her sit next to me " Yes I'm okay I just scraped my knees and elbow you little demon." "Tell me who was it I'm gonna yeet that ass of his" she said "God shush will you please stop yelling" saying I put my hands onto her mouth and looked for his seat only to find it empty, turning around I saw Lola giving me glares. Removing my hands we went to the cafeteria while I told her about the incident.

"Baby you left the most important part, what's his name" she said placing our food " Yea right, it's Luciano Montanari" I watched Lola's face turn into horror with her mouth wide open "What's wrong? What's with this look?" I asked "THE MONTANARI'S how could you be so ignorant, don't you know anything about them?" I do want to kill my best friend at times, she just creates soo much suspense and then won't tell me right away like don't you get from the look of my face that I'm very confused and completely unknown about her dramatic story. Just then Ron joined the two of us " What's up with her dramatic ass now?" He questioned looking at the two of us " Do you know who the new boy is?" She said and then continued "It's Luciano Montanari as in the very famous Montanari law firm. They're known for winning almost every case that has been given to them. I've also heard rumors of them being in the underworld but this has never been given much account to but yes everyone do fear the power they hold in Italy. One lawsuit pressed against you could send you behind bars with guaranteed no bail.Their firms are spread throughout many places. I'm surprised how you don't know about them given that your family is in banking." "Yes I mean remember the case which sent my father in deep shit that was also handled by the Montanari's"Ron said.

Ron Visconti comes from the family of manufacturing company of luxury goods. The company is noted for its use of celluloid in the making of its pens, adding details in ivory,titanium, gold, diamond, ebonite and acrylic fibre.
I got too much information in just 5 minutes which is alot to take in, " So does that make Enzo his brother?" I questioned to the two of them "Duh babe obviously, see Luciano had always been behind the covers there are very few photos of him available and the ones available are at the time of his adolescent age. One of the reasons why I didn't know that it was him" Ron added onto it "Enzo had always been more public since he's the elder one and eventually it puts a lot of pressure while Luciano on the other hand you could barely get to know anything about him. I guess I like the way he maintains his personal life personal unlike other noble kids who are either forced into the public prying eyes or they just like sharing a bit too much" At the rate of inflow of these information I might be able to write a thesis on the Montanari's.

Formidable LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora