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I looked at the dull screen as it ultimately turned black reminiscing the cries of Alessia's. I blame myself time and time again for the tears I bring upon her but the lies are solely my way to protect her from the past that continues to haunt all of us in some way or the other.

She's better off without the memories of those days such that the remembrance of it will not only pain her but drive her away to a someplace where I will be incapable of getting her back.

Only when I thought I could give myself a brief second of breathing space my phone pings with messages in flow.

ROGUE: We need you here at the base
Luke: I bet you'd go nuts!!
Rogue: Oh you'll love it
REGGIE: The moment of truth
Me: On my way

I rush out of my room grabbing my phone and gun on my way out and was met with a pair of prying eyes "I'm coming" Enzo said extending his key fob, I try to yank it out from his hold which he slickly pulled it back "Not so fast are we?" Mocking he walks away circling the keys "You coming fratello?" I walk past him snatching the keys from his hold "I'm driving " I heard his defeated sigh but followed regardless.

I hoped to bring a tape with myself ever since Enzo sat next to me he just cannot possibly stop himself from asking questions.
The last resort to make me speak was to strike a deal with me,
"How about for every answer you give me I share with you a piece of information from Alessia's life while you were gone" wiggling his brows he looked proud of himself.

I laugh at his futile attempt "You honestly think I'd have no one check on her while I was gone" shaking my head with disappointment I watch his lips curving in a wicked smile "You don't know shit" I hide my evident irritation focusing back on the road "Wanna call my bluff?" His eyebrows arch in challenge looking forward to my answer.

Weighing the given circumstances I have nothing to loose sooner or later I would have to fill him up with the quarter pack I have stocked up from my dad's snoopy men.
"Ask before I change my mind"
"Who are we meeting" his inquisitive eyes now at peace given that I surrendered.
"My quarter pack"
"Yo-what?" Absolutely baffled which I purely enjoyed considering I was doting on this reaction out from him.

It deeply pleasures me to watch him in utter shock when I reveal a piece of information from my plan. Enzo prefers to deal things which doesn't get his hands dirty very much like the politicians in our world.

They bid others to get their dirty work done for them on the other hand I have grown to enjoy every inch of power in a different form this world provides me with.

I'm always left with this insatiable hunger to drive away the shadows that lurks in every corner of our country, their greed that have lost any boundaries present, left them hollow from inside caring little for the people around them.

"Fess up" I strike straight to the point.
"Right uhhh Alessia had a guy kiss her in grade 5" the car thuds to halt almost knocking us over had it not been the harness keeping us at place. Enzo steadied himself, "Do you fucking want both of us dead!?" He yelled loudly panic stricken he holds his chest.

I couldn't actually register anything after he spoke those words "Who's the guy" he was definitely pissed off but my ass of a brother is too smart to let the anger get the better of him "It doesn't work like that" patting my arms he moves back to his seat although now more cautious.
"What's the quarter pack?"
"A bunch of guys who worked and helped me settle many agreements back in New Jersey. They are well trained in martial arts and went through rigorous years of training to excel in their field" he closely listened to every bit of it and his face showed signs of many questions which I will answer right about the time.

"So who's the guy" I already planned ways to make him regret his existence on earth but the name shattered away it all.
"Piero, well can't a brother give a chaste kiss on the cheek to her little sister" the mockery was well laid-out I've got to give that point to him.

The next few hours Enzo didn't dare play any stupid ass games or he'd be soon found dead in the mortuary.
I steer the wheels into the building protected with stringent security masked away from the outer world. Enzo's eyes held curiosity as he gaped at the interior of the building while I typed in the access code.

It's not much of an extravagant place but for us to call meetings if necessary and to deal with our suspects or criminals. Most of our machinery and equipment are stacked here itself. We knew that when the war wages on us we should be having full access to all kinds of equipments, many of the unethical hacking takes place here which gives us a upper hand in almost all the cases.

Davide Montanari has been pissed ever since he got a hint about my hackers diving their way in his clients report in some way or the other he seems to believe that this only benefits him in his cases which is partially true but he prefers to be always informed so he could act one step before accordingly.

He stopped bugging me about their whereabouts ever since he realized I might be planning for a bigger picture which includes leaving him out of it. It doesn't mean at all that he's given up, now he just tries to dig it behind my back.

Enzo and I walk through the tunnels and finally reach the common room to my surprise I was shocked to see the man who laughed and joked around with the members.

The others grew silent noticing my presence as I face his back he too noticed the change in the expressions of others chuckling inwards he moves to stand up turning around I saw the man we all thought was long dead. I mourned for his loss for years heck I don't even know how Enzo is taking all this.

I turned to see all the color from Enzo's face fade away he was as much as stunned to see Remo in flesh.
Luke gleamed with happiness watching the 9 years late reunion of the three of us. Rogue side hugs Remo "Come on aren't you two gonna hug or something" not one word was spoken we continued to stare at him still overcoming the fact that he was alive all these years.

The members watch the reunion with amusement stained on their faces. The staring contest was interrupted with Reggie clearing his throat "Imma leave seriously if this goes on any longer" he said annoyed as he takes a seat on the couch.

"Where have you been all these years?" Obviously Enzo had to be the one to break the silence cause I absolutely had my brains fucked, "Are you guys ready for a long ass story-telling?" Clasping his hands Remo looked around to watch the others agree nodding their hands like a two-year old.

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