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I felt my mind shut off the moment Luciano leaned in to kiss me till the time I realized it was actually happening all the emotions kicked in one go. Happy that he was close and the next moment hurt that it won't last for long so I kissed him with much more force wanting to make the moment last a bit longer before it's snatched away from me therefore I held onto him afraid to let go.

Never had I expect him to pop the question atleast not now or ever to be precise considering the situation I was in the question was absolutely out of the box. I was left dumbfounded still trying to sink in with what he just said even so after much thought I couldn't possibly come up with an answer let alone say anything as a matter of fact knowing that he is sitting right next to me looking forward for me to reply. He then broke the silence when I heard him say "I've loved you longer than you know. Waited longer than you can expect and I'm willing to wait howsoever long it take except I wouldn't sit back and watch you marry him" there was this troubled look on his but I didn't want to ask him about it having already enough on my plate.

I did love Luciano and marrying someone I know and love is much better than being with someone I barely know let alone marrying them but the event also the crisis that the business is currently facing "It doesn't matter whether we love each other. The news is out and the event is in like 8 hours moreover there's some serious crisis in the business I cannot say yes to you" I said all worked up.

Lucinao calmed my nerves the mere presence of his does wonders to my body he looked at me holding such an emotion that I couldn't quite decipher on the other hand he prioritized my feelings giving me a sense of assurance that I too have a say in matters which involves me  yet the question remains there how will things change at this stage when we're soo near for the exhibit.

Luciano was driving me back home and unlike the journey to his home it was fueled with much more tension and anticipation of the near turn of event. I agreed to the engagement with Luciano but what still disturbs me is what could possibly Luciano have done to put forward this question to me. He would do no such thing if he doesn't have a plan and that is exactly what I wish to know though even after several attempts of asking him about it I've failed as he continues being an asshole only to say that I'll get to know of it soon.

He's very much enjoying my suffering which I will soon get back to him but for now I have to prepare myself for whatsoever waits for me. Perplexed to see Luciano holding my hand as we walked to the threshold "What are you doing" I put up our joined hands "We're a couple Al that's the most basic thing a couple does" baffled by his statement he started walking unaffected dragging me along with him as I try to match up with his pace "I'm having a bit of a difficulty matching your steps my lord" I said sarcastically huffing out loud he waits for me to catch my breath as I adjust myself  "You look as if you've been here multiple times" I pointed out noticing he didn't ask me once for the directions as he headed straight to the father's office "You may say so. Care to walk with me now" mocking me he now walks slowly almost matching my footsteps on reaching the office knocking twice he went inside the room without waiting for his response.

I was shocked to see Renato and Matteo already seated with my father "You both are late" father looked at the clock then at us "We lost track of time" Luciano said walking towards him and shook hands the Pazzi's too stood up now greeting, Luciano noticing my confused state approached me joining his hands with mine and walked back now standing beside my father "My daughter loves this young man whom you're very much familiar with" patting Luciano's back he sits back with everyone joining him as well he continued " Luciano reached out to me last night regarding his relationship with my daughter and how he wishes to marry her. I cannot deprive my daughter from her happiness and this young man is the source of her happiness so I wanted to lay out this piece of information."

The Pazzi's were furious which was evident it was Renato who spoke first "So there won't be any contract?" To even think for a minute that this man whom I was supposed to get married would care for me in future is laughable "Yes, you may do not realize but Alessia's happiness is far more important to me and forcing her to marry you wouldn't do justice to my love for her" he stated looking in my eyes which were brimmed with tears that I tried my best to hold back only if he meant everything he said "but the business is facing so much trouble" my voice came out crooked and low "We'll talk about it later" giving me an assuring nod Matteo spoke up "I understand and I too wish well for Alessia without any doubt even so we'll always be ready to help you out in future. We're glad to have you back Luciano I'm hoping to catch up with you some other time" giving out a forced smile he stood up walking out at once with his son following him after giving out a glare to Luciano which didn't go unnoticed by us.

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