41 6 1

                                 9 years old

It was a great success they said though I'm still not sure why and how but I'm happy to see Mamma smiling after such a long time, she said "Your dad won from the bad guys" something which isn't new because dad always win no matter what. Dad always look at mom in a certain kind of a way making her break out in a smile which tells me that they love each other.

Today is a bright day for us that's what mom likes to call it because not only did dad won from the bad guys but also from today onwards we can go back to living like a normal family which includes going out, attending school with less guards and most importantly Lily could visit us. Another thing that makes me giddy is that Piero, Remo and Lily are planning to have a sleep over at our house so I've been preparing my bed and cleaning around so she gets to see it all nice and clean Enzo says that cleaning around won't get me Lily says the one who's stashing all his favourite toys in a box for Piero.

I've always liked Remo much to his introverted self he somehow created a weird sense of understanding with me might also be one of the reasons why apart from my brother I've bonded with him over time. Even though the brothers are the exact replica of each other yet their personalities and demeanor are way different while Piero has always been the loud and vocal one, Remo always carries himself with silence and an uncanny air enveloping his presence wherever he goes resembling his father in ways he does not know.

It makes me feel as if he's a man trapped inside a child's body. He oddly reminds me how I too resemble my father but not in a good way. Mamma thinks Enzo and I are ignorant of the kind of field dad works in, definitely one of us is because I've always sensed the danger lurking around us from all fours but I'd play the role of an ignorant as long it suits mamma.

I've heard our dad's talk "Lorenzo don't you think our sons share the same set of analytical methods. You may call it as a fatherly instinct but Remo and Luciano fits perfect for our world given the right direction to work upon" Uncle Matteo grunts to his statement "I do not wish the same unfortunate fortune to fall on their heads. Let them be kids, we as adults can hold on the swords away from their heads as long as needed. There's no both-way ticket in this journey." He said which made me wonder what kind of fortune could be unfortunate considering fortunes make everyone happy.

I peep into the kitchen watching Mamma prepare all kinds of nice food for us since dad will be away for the night she told us that we could be up past our bedtime this is why I love her she's not so strict about rules unlike dad who makes us run 10 laps or more if things don't go his way.

It's been approximately 45 minutes since the three of them were dropped off by Aunt Clarice after sharing a word or two with Mamma she left for home all this while my eyes are fixated on her, I once asked Mamma if I can marry her "If she loves you back why not bambino" she said. Alessia smells like fresh lilies since then I caught the habit of calling her Lily and she didn't seem to hate it even so I think she kind of loves her new name.

I never really understood the term love I remember Mamma telling me that love is when two people are willing to be together despite the many differences they share and when a person is ready to risk it all for their loved ones so maybe I love Lily because all I want is to be with her and that I don't need no any other reason to be with her but at the same time dad's words strike my head "Love is a sign of weakness, the more you care for someone the more they will have a hold on your emotions making it easy for them to subdue you with the power you have so easily given away turning you into a pawn in their life." I will never let it become a weakness for me let alone have someone take such a huge control over my life.

We spent our evening watching Bambi our all time favourite as giggles and tears filled the room. Once the movie came to an end Lily insisted the boys to play house with her and honestly I love it more than anything else as I get to play to the role of her husband, the other day Enzo tried to trick her into making her choose him for the role but my sweet Lily refused to the suggestion "We took vows Enzo and this is not how marriage works. My father said that he took vows with mom which included till death do us apart so we've got to stick with vows" she said and oh my poor heart loved her more,maybe not enough. Soon all of us were put to bed though it was a terrible idea to sleep in the same room Piero and Enzo just wouldn't shut up but it took one little threat from Lily to zip their mouths.

I was woken up by hard shoves, Remo sat with a horrified expression on his face before I could make out what's happening he shuts my mouth with his hands and carefully scoots over whispering "I think someone broke in" I frantically turn my head towards where the other's lay and find them in a deep slumber. We gave away each other a look implying "What are we supposed to do?" Tip-toeing towards the room window slightly removing the curtains we see masked men marching towards the entrance and some scattered around the garden.

I immediately covered ourselves down crawling back to our bed unable to comprehend the situation I searched for the emergency phone hidden right under our bed while Remo stuck with me throughout checking on the others who sleep peacefully.

I try to ring Perera, dad's second hand commander who stayed back to watch us but it was of no avail immediately I moved onto ring dad yet again disappointed by the continued ringing over the phone which urged me to throw it away instead I put it away "Let me try my father" Remo said in a hushed tone "You can't the service provides fixed dialing" obviously annoyed with my statement he crawls to where the others sleep "What are you doing!?" I whispered yell "The more the better" he remarked and moved on with his task shortly everyone were wide awake as always Piero and Enzo couldn't just possibly take things seriously for a moment they continued babbling how it's one of those scenes in the movies where evil men ambush the good ones from every side while they are sleeping. We needed to reach mamma as she was the only one who could take us out.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I changed the pattern here as well as I realized it was too congested and would've been difficult to read it. Anyways I hope you guys like the story and well are you guys curious about Remo?
Happy reading!!🧚‍♀️

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