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The morning felt utterly refreshing I felt like everything was right at the place where it was supposed to be. It never once occurred to me that one day I'd go against all odds to be with the man that I loved.

It was always implanted in my head that I'll play the role of a trophy wife for some guy that I barely knew or loved. I just hoped that whosoever it was I could form a silent understanding with him and wish things to turn out differently.

Luciano was a storm that my life certainly couldn't have predicted. But perhaps things aren't what it seems to be and it's strangely unsettling. There are things other than my relationship with him that bounds our families together.

I've been experiencing this state of déjà vu ever since Luciano mentioned the night of his mother's death. The scene unfolded itself infront of me as he narrated the incident which doesn't sit right by me.

I could visualize things taking place infront of me, not that Luciano's narratory skills are good that opened the gates of my visualizing abilities.One would probably even think that I was present at that moment and if it were the case why don't I seem to remember.

The sound of the name Lily coming out of him seemed awfully comforting and familiar yet again the question lingered why?

Struggling with my thoughts I bumped into Piero hard spilling the glass of water on me "Watch where you go" groaning out in pain he rubs his head "I could say the same for you duckling". Piero never fails to annoy me with that name which he caught a habit of calling me when I dressed up as one of them back in my kindergarten days.

I saw him hold a half filled glass of water with an aspirin in another hand "You shouldn't be drinking soo much" I pointed out the obvious "Well I had to drink away the sorrow of my little sister getting engaged first" he mocked as he proceeded to take his medicine.

As I went past him my nose picked up a very peculiar scent "Why do you smell like sex?" I watched all the color of his face fade away then he pulled on a smirk "Why does it come as a surprise to you that I'm having sex with someone" scoffing at his words I slap his arm.

Moving on to get myself a breakfast Piero pulls me back by my arm "Heyy, I needed to ask you something" pulling away his hand fidgeting with the glass he holds he asked "How long has it been since you last visited your therapist?" Eyeing his face intently I question him back,
"Do you remember something?"
"No, I mean yess but I don't know" he gives out a breath that I assume he had been holding in for long.
"I stopped visiting her when I was 12", Piero and I were taken away by one of father's many adversaries back when we were 9.

It caused a lot of chaos throughout the media of the supposed kidnapping as it were informed and the newspapers outlets read.

The abduction was well planned to get my father give over his shares also give up his role as the financial aid in the political parties lending out money to the feudal and royalty to carry out strike against their opponents.

Apparently the incident was soo traumatic to both of us that Piero and I lost all our memories of it. That night we lost a part of ourselves behind those closed doors, Piero was rescued too late which made his situation worse.

He cried and yelled in agony that the gunshots kept him awake all night, his state worsened when he dreamt of bloodied hands which was one of his most recurring dreams which terrified him to an extent that he feared closing his eyes.

Soon his situation got better but he completely shut himself off refusing to talk about that night until today. I often find him brave enough to be able to remember fragments of what happened 9 years back. A child's brain is soo fragile and at that stage something like this would completely deteriorate their state.

I recall my therapist words,"It is in your well being that you mustn't remember such things for they do nothing but bring pain to you" so I believed her that probably something's are worth letting go or perhaps the 9 year old me feared to be in the same situation as Piero was but maybe the 18 year old me would want to know.

A strange set of emotions swirled inside of me watching Piero's retreating figure. I might understand father's words now that the world of business is both a boon and a curse, I'm guessing we lie on the cursed side of the table since it brought nothing but miseries upon us.

After much consideration I decided to take a few session with the therapist maybe all the answer hides in that old box I kept hidden inside my brain.

Skipping breakfast I surged through the internet to find all kinds of information about that night. There was a picture of the two of us numb to our surroundings while Mom tried to shield away from the prying camera's, what then caught my attention was Piero's hands soaked in bloods. The next newspaper outlet read,
"I urge you all to give us a moment of privacy as we go through one of the most difficult part of our lives. The incident is too traumatic for us and fresh for our minds so I ask for sometime to recollect ourselves from this" it further read "I also assure that I'll go deep into this matter because it costed lives of our loved ones" my eyes stuck to the very last line of it because I remember everyone coming back safe only now I cannot rely on the memories I have since I might have been fooling myself all this long.

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