129 - China Upheaval - 30

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The Republic of China was strangled with the benevolent intention, called a proposal for ending the war, by the League of Nations. With Beijing and areas north of the Yellow River lost, and surrounded up to the region of Mount Tai, there was no choice left for the Republic of China. Consequently, the government of the Republic of China first unofficially recognized the People's Republic of China, and in return, requested the cessation of American military attacks on Taishan fortress.

There was no ulterior motive behind this. The reason was to achieve unity of consciousness within the government. They had been advocating for the uncompromising overthrow of foreign invaders until now. Even if it meant a compromise in line with reality, it was understood that changing the policy required a certain level of preparation. During unofficial negotiations in Free Shanghai City, the Republic of China delegation had bowed to the American and League of Nations Security Council delegations upon their request.

The American delegation had declared acceptance of this plea. However, they demanded that aside from food and medical supplies, all other imports to Taishan fortress, even if it was just a single shovel, be prohibited, and that no activities within the Taishan fortress area, such as fortification construction, be carried out as part of the agreement. It was a reasonable demand. But at the same time, it was also a declaration of the US's initiative in regard to the Taishan fortress.

Under normal circumstances, Chinese diplomats might have retorted against such arrogance, asserting that they had not yet fallen and had no intention of doing so. But their spirit had already been broken. Was it because the area north of the Yellow River had been lost? Unthinkable. Was it because the military was in a catastrophic situation? They could recruit more people. Was it because separatist movements in the south (Pan-Asianist movement) had declared independence and gotten too bold? It was a joke.

However, the chaos in the Republic of China's economy due to the US's strategic bombings day and night was something they couldn't ignore. Especially, the chaos in the Yangtze River basin, which could be called the heartland of wealth generation, meant the weakening of Chiang Kai-shek's support base. The economic circles of the Republic of China unanimously advocated for peace with the US. Even if places like Beijing temporarily slipped from China's hands, as long as they could reclaim them a hundred or two hundred years later — that was their assertion. Chiang Kai-shek couldn't resist that voice.

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Republic of China

Before Chiang Kai-shek took his seat at the negotiating table with the United States, what he did was to unify the will within the government of the Republic of China. Naturally, it was not done through moderate procedures or gentle means due to the urgent situation.

It was a purge.

Even amidst continuing defeats, there were a few deluded ones, albeit a very small minority even among the opportunistic Chinese, who continued to cry out for an uncompromising war against the foreign invaders.

They could be called people of conviction. They could be called unyielding in their beliefs. That's why Chiang Kai-shek assassinated them without hesitation.

His closest aides resisted his orders, albeit slightly. They raised doubts. They, too, questioned whether they were not patriots?

Chiang Kai-shek's response was harsh.

He asserted that there was no room to spare for individuals who did not understand the dire situation of the nation and only prioritized their own emotions. He declared them as even harmful and executed the punishment. Among those who were punished were individuals who were politically opposed to Chiang Kai-shek. As the negotiations for a de facto ceasefire with the United States were imminent, he also eliminated his political enemies. By reframing the ceasefire negotiations as a compromise with the foreign invaders, there was an atmosphere where certain individuals might automatically brand Chiang Kai-shek as an enemy of the Chinese nation. Hence the exercise of authoritarian power.

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