2- Special Chapter End

Start from the beginning

Rain melted into his embrace, their bodies fitting together like two halves of a whole. Phayu's lips moved hungrily against Rain's, igniting a fire within him that he couldn't resist. Rain's hands roamed over his back, feeling the strength and warmth of his husband.

Phayu pressed his knee between Rain's legs, a subtle but electrifying touch that made Rain gasp with pleasure. Moans escaped Rain's lips, muffled by the intensity of their kiss.

However, amidst the passion, a flicker of hesitation crossed Rain's mind. They had people in the house, and their public displays of affection had drawn amused looks from their household staff and even their children.

Rain reluctantly broke the kiss, his voice barely a whisper. "Wait," he managed to say, his cheeks flushed with desire and a hint of embarrassment.

But Phayu held him tighter, his voice a low murmur against Rain's ear. "Don't worry my love," he whispered, his breath sending shivers down Rain's spine. "We're alone."

Phayu instructed everyone to leave before 7PM so they can have the house for themselves. He also asked them to prepare their room in a romantic atmosphere.

Rain's heart raced at Phayu's words, his doubts melting away under the weight of Phayu's reassurance. He trusted him completely and even if that wasn't the case he'll continue, surrendering to the intoxicating pull of desire.

Phayu continued to shower Rain with kisses, trailing down his neck with a hunger that mirrored Rain's own longing. The living room seemed to spin around them, their bodies entwined in a dance of passion and need.

With a soft moan, Rain gave in completely, his body responding eagerly to Phayu's touch. His mind going blank at the sensation provided by his hot husband.

As they stood there, lost in each other arms, the world outside faded away. Rain allowed himself to be enveloped in the warmth and love of Phayu's embrace, his heart overflowing with longing and contentment.

Moments later, Phayu led them upstairs to their specially prepared room. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, every touch and glance filled with unspoken promises of intimacy and connection.

In the privacy of their sanctuary, Rain allowed himself to be vulnerable, his heart laid bare before Phayu. With a tender touch, Phayu undressed Rain, each movement filled with reverence and adoration.

Phayu's touch was electric, sending shivers down Rain's spine as he unbuttoned his shirt and jeans with practiced ease. Rain's breath hitched, his body responding eagerly to Phayu's every caress.

Phayu's hands slid beneath Rain's pants, cupping his firm buttocks possessively. Rain let out a soft gasp, his head falling back as Phayu's lips found the sensitive spot on his neck, nibbling and teasing with exquisite precision.

"Fuck" rain whines.

In the soft glow of the moonlight, their bodies intertwined, they melted into each other's arms, time seemed to stand still. Phayu quickly jerks off their clothes leaving them completely naked standing together.

Phayu and Rain stood naked together, the air between them was thick with desire and longing. Phayu's touch was electric against Rain's skin, his hand brushing Rain's neck and tracing his fingers over his lips. Their eyes locked in a heated gaze, each conveying their passionate yearning for one another.

Phayu's strong grip held both of their hardened cocks, aligning them together and rubbing them slowly. "Mmmm"  Rain whimpered softly, unable to contain the pleasure that surged through his body. His hands gripped Phayu's biceps, seeking support and closeness in the intimacy they shared.

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