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Cobie - I get smacked hard which makes my vision go black for a few seconds. I groan and look up to see Emily Vancamp. I scowl and say, what the hell are you doing here?!

Emily - I know y/n comes here now. I want to know why you're seeing her. Now you can either tell me or I can beat the living shit out of you and then you tell me. Up to you.

Cobie - I shake my head and say, she is a friend, she comes to have lunch with me every now and then. I met her through lizzie and scarlett. She is a good person. Now can you let me go?

Emily- I tsk and say, I know she doesn't have lunch with you. Now tell the truth before I start taking things.

Cobie - okay. Fine she is a patient. I help her go through the trauma she has endured since childhood. But she is also a friend. Now get the hell out of my office!

Jessie - I just clicked in at work when I hear one of my bosses cobie yell out, "Now get the hell out of my office!" I call security and have them rush up while I wait for them. Once they show up I tell them what I heard so they grab their guns and make their way to cobies office. They take the person, whoever she is and kicks her out. I run in and she cobie tied to the chair with a huge bruise next to her left eye. I frown and untie her and say, are you okay?

Cobie - I smile softly and say, I'm fine Jessie. Cancel all my appointments for today. I already told y/n I would see her later so don't cancel hers. I see her nod so I make my way out and to my car. I hit my steering wheel out of angry and scream. FUCK!!!! I take a calming breath and pull out to drive.

(Almost 2 hours after cobie messages lizzie)

Lizzie - I am cleaning up the living room a little bit as you play and scarlett is watching you. I jump at the rapid knocking that comes from the front door and rush to answer it. I open the door and gasp seeing cobie with a black eye and her panting. I push her back and walk out shutting the door behind me. Cobie what happened? Are you okay? I rush out as I try to look at her bruise.

Cobie - I rushed to lizzies but calmed down when I seen three shadows throught the curtain. I think about what happened when I went to the office and shake my head and rush to the door. I knock on it rapidly and lizzie opens it and pushes me back so she can come out. She asks what happened and if I'm okay and I honestly don't know how to answer that, so I skip it and rush out, is y/n okay? Are you and scarlett okay? I try to go inside but lizzie stops me.

Lizzie - cobie, stop. Look at me. Take a few deep breaths and focus on me okay. I see eher nod as she makes eye contact with me. I smile and say, good. Now tell me what's happening.

Cobie - I take a deep breath and say, can I see if all of you are okay before I tell you guys?

Lizzie - I nod my head and say, y/n is in little space right now but if it's serious she'll slip out. Does she need to slip out of little space? I ask wanting to know if it's serious. I frown but nod when I see her nod. Okay, lets go in. I'll go to the kitchen and grab an ice pack for your eye. I lead us in and say, scarlett help y/n get out of little space, we need to have a serious conversation with cobie. I lead us to the kitchen so scarlett has time to do that and walk to the fridge opening the freezer and grabbing a soft ice pack. I find a dish towel and wrap it around so it's not too harsh against cobie's eye. I hand it to her and say, do you need any pain medication?

Cobie - I shake my head and look down as I feel like it's my fault that Emily got a little info out of me.

Scarlett - I heard lizzie ask me to help you get out of little space. I frown but heard that cobie was here and that we needed to have a serious conversation. I nod to myself and say, baby, cobie is here but we need you to be our big girl so we can have a serious conversation. Okay?

Y/n - I nod and slowly slip out of little space and ask a bit worried, scarlett is cobie okay?

Scarlett - I'm not sure baby. Bur were gonna find out. Are you fully out of little space? It sounded serious when Liz asked me to do this, so I want to make sure you're fully out of little space for this. I see you nod so I hold my hand out and say, lets go see whats going on.

Y/n - I'm a little nervous as we walk into the kitchen. I see lizzie there talking with cobie, so I walk over to her wanting a hug. I stop mid step when I see cobie holding an ice pack to her eye. My eyes grow big as I see bruising and say, what happened? I walk to cobie and take the eye pack away and see a big nasty bruise. I frown looking at it.

Cobie - I'm going to tell you guys in a second honey. Let's just get comfortable before I bring a heavy topic up. I watch you nod slowly getting ready to try and handle what I'm about to say. I look to lizzie and scarlett. I take a deep breath and say, um I went to work early to start some paperwork before seeing my first client. As I walked into my office I was startled when seeing someone already in there but before I go the chance to see who it was I was knocked unconscious. I woke up tied to my office chair and my vision was a little black before it started to clear up. I didn't see anyone around me, so I quickly messaged you saying that I was canceling the appointment, but I would come over when I could. I see lizzie and scarlett nod. I look down and say, once I sent the message, I heard a noise and looked over near where I keep my notes on the session for certain people and seen someone who I was hoping to never see. I look to you and squeeze your hand trying to comfort you before saying, it was Emily.

Scarlett - I clench my jaw and my fist passed that she is still bothering our family. I loom to you and see you looking down. I frown and say, are you okay baby?

Y/n - this feels like it's about me. Isn't it cobie? She asked why I was seeing you and wanted information about that. At least that's what I'm guessing.

Cobie - I nod and say, she asked why she kept seeing you come to my office. I tried lying saying that you were coming to have lunch with me sometimes but I got this for not saying the truth. I look at you more and say, this isn't your fault. I don't want you blaming yourself. You hear me?

Y/n - I nod and say, I know cobie. I just hate that she is using people I love to get to me. I should've know this wasn't the last time we'd see/hear of her. I'm sorry that you go that shiner.

Cobie - I chuckle and say jokingly, hey maybe I'll get a lady because of this. I smile when I hear every laugh a little. I look at lizzie and say, in sorry for showing up panicked but I needed to make sure all of you were okay. I didn't want her to leave the security and make her way over to you guys.

Lizzie - hey, do not apologize. Thank you for coming and checking on us. Also for protecting us. We love you cobie. Why don't you stay and have dinner with us, we can have a movie night or a game night.

Y/n - I smile and say, please auntie cobie. I see her smile and nod her head in return. I pump my fist in excitement and say, YES!

Cobie - I chuckle and say, we need to have our session first before we have any fun. Is that alright with you sweetheart.

Y/n - I nod my head and say, yes that's fine. We can do it in my little room if you'd like. She nods so I look to lizzie and scarlett to see if I can go and set up. They nod with a smile so I run up and get everything set up.

(1,538 words)

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