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Lizzie- after scar and I had our nice relaxing day, we just watched movies and cuddled all night. When I woke the next morning I smiled knowing that you'll be home today. I carefully get out of bed not wanting to wake scar up. I go downstairs and start making breakfast when I hear a door open and close quietly. I smile and turn to see you walking back in with a tired look. I frown and say, hey baby are you okay?

Y/n - hanging out with Damien all day yesterday and staying the night as well was fun but I barely got any sleep. When I walked back in thw house, I immediately smelled breakfast and smiled. I walked towards the kitchen and see lizzie turn around with a smile and then frown looking at me and asking if I'm okay. I ignore her question and continue to walk towards her and give her a hug and when I feel her arms wrap around me, I smile and say, missed you mommy. I feel her arms tighten around me. I look up at her and see her big smile so I pucker my lips wanting a kiss.

Lizzie - I lean down and place a lingering kiss and say, how was damiens? He's a good guy, so I'm guessing you had fun right? I see you nod your head while closing your eyes with a yawn. I smile softly and say, why dont you go up and take a nap sweetheart, seems like you didn't get enough sleep. Tell scar to come down for breakfast when you go up.

Y/n - I nod my head and say, wake me up in about 2 hours please. I don't want to sleep to long. I see her nod and go back to cooking so I go upstairs and smile when I see scalrwtt sleeping still. I get undressed and crawl into bed next to scar and place small pecks along her face and say, wake up scarly.

Scar - I groan with a small smile and say, morning baby. I pull you into a hug and hold you. I feel you relax in my hold and hear soft even breaths which makes me think you fell asleep. I pull back gently and see you did indeed fall asleep. I place a kiss on your forehead and leave you be. I get a shirt and underwear on and walk downstairs into the kitchen. I see Liz still making breakfast so I walk behind her and wrap my arms and say, good morning love, how did you sleep?

Liz - good, I had you cuddled up to me. The only person missing was our little baby. How was yours? I feel kiss pressed to my neck which makes me smile. "It was good. She woke me up with small kisses, and when I held her to me for a few minutes she fell asleep in my arms. I'm guessing she didn't sleep much so we're letting her nap?" I nod my head and say, she looked exhausted when she came in, she told me to let her sleep for two hours because she doesn't want to sleep for too long. I finish breakfast up and plate it for the 2 of us.

Scar - thanks babe. We both sit and eat while having small conversations. Lizzie mentions that she is gonna take you out to go shopping. I asked if I can come and see nods her head. I smile and after about 20 minutes both of us are done eating and the kitchen is clean again. I turn to leave and go to the livingroom when I feel a hand grab mine and pull me back to them. I chuckle and turn to look at Liz and say, yes ma'am? I see her raise an eyebrow which makes me give an innocent smile in return.

Liz - I shake my head lightly and say, I was gonna see if you can come get me from my office in about an hour. I need to do some work so can you do that for me love?

Scar - I nod my head and say, yes that's fine. I'll probably go back up to bed and cuddle her. I want some of my baby cuddles. I say with a smile. I see her nod her head and give me a kiss and then send me on my way with a tap to my bottom. I roll my eyes and look at her with a smirk and stick my tongue out at her. I see her get stern and go to grab me when I run away and up the stairs. I start walking when I'm in the hall closer to our room so I don't wake you. I chuckle lightly and walk into the room and gently climb into bed. Once im laid down and under the blankets, you move and lay on top of me cuddling into me while still asleep. I smile and place a kiss on your head.

Time skip 3 hours later

Y/n - Liz and scar woke me up about an hour ago and we are on our way to the mall to go shopping. I smile as I'm actually in a good mood to go shopping. I finish getting ready and run down the stairs and then slow down when I hear both Liz and scar yell at me to not run. I roll my eyes and finish walking down the stairs and wait on the couch for them.

Liz - I walk down the stairs and see you on the couch. I smile and walk over sitting next to you. I pull you into me and say, how're you feeling love? I see you turn your head to look at me and say, " I feel great, I'm actually excited to go shopping". I smile and place a kiss on your nose and watch you scrunch it in return which makes me coo at how cute you are.

Y/n - I blush and whine saying, stoooooppp. I look away and pout, I then hear scar coming down the stairs and coo at my pout. My blush intensifies so I get off lizzie and move away from them both while crossing my arms with a big pout on my face.

Scar - I smile and walk over to you. I gently lift your head so you're looking at me and say, can I get a kiss babygirl? I smile when you shake your head no, so I lean in and take it from you. Ha got it anyways love. Let's have a good day going shopping, yes?

Y/n- I nod my head and say, can we go now? I look at Liz and see her nod with a smile. I smile getting excited and get up almost knocking scar down. I giggle and say, sorry scar. I then run to the car and get in front knowing they'll probably make me sit in the back. 

Liz - I shake my head and walk out. I see that you're in the front and look to scar with a light chuckle. She's cute isn't she? Scar nods and says, " yes but she is moving her ass to the back." I shake my head again and say, good luck with that. I hop in the driver seat and watch as scar tries to make you sit in the back.

Scar - come on y/n you know if it's all three of us then you sit in the back, if it just you and Liz or me and you then you can sit in front but not today. It's all three if us so you need to move to the back.

Y/n - I cross my arms and pout. Please mama. I promise I'll be good. I see her shake her head no so I turn to look at lizzie with my famous puppy eyes that she can't say no to.

Lizzie - I see what you're doing and say, nope, not gonna work my love. Figure it out with scarlett.

Scar - baby, how about this... I can ride to thw mall in the front and on our way back home, if you're not little then you can ride up front.

Y/n - I frown and say, but that's not fair. She shakes her head and says, "that's my only compromise, take or sit in the back on the way home as well." I roll my eyes and jump out getting into the back and crossing my arms. I hear a sigh and then my door opening with scar grabbing my jaw. I avoid looking at her feeling upset about this unfair compromise.

Scar - look at me y/n. I see you frown more when I use your name. I show that I'm upset and say sternly, you do not roll your eyes at me. Since you did, you're not going to sit up front on the way home. Now be a good girl for mommy and I, and maybe you won't get punished. Understand me.

Y/n - I tear up and nod my head, yes ma'am. When she lets go of my jaw, I look to lizzie who is frowning at me. I look down and pick at my fingers as scar shuts my door and hops in the front. I look out the window still picking at my fingers.

Liz - as I'm parking the car, I lock the doors and say, alright girls you need to apologize to each other and then we can have a good day. I don't want to hear anything out of either of you unless it's that apology.

Y/n - I sigh and whisper, sorry mama.

Scar - I'm sorry too baby. Let's have a good day yea? We want to enjoy having each other together. I love you sweetheart.

Y/n - I smile and nod my head. Love you too mama. I move to the front and sit on scars lap and hug her.

Scar - I smile and hug you back and say, you're cute baby. I look to lizzie and see her with a massive smile. I smile back and mouth, thank you. I see her nod and lean over placing a kiss on my lips and then your head. Let's head in and shop my loves.

(1,725 words)


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