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Hi, uh my name is y/n. I am a 20 year old girl and gay as fuck. I am shy most of the time but with friends and family I'm kinda crazy, but a fun crazy. I love marvel, music and cooking. I would say I'm an alright cook. I also have a huge secret, not even my best friend knows.... but anyways let me tell you my story. It's kinda crazy.

Here we go, are you ready? I mean I guess you are since you're me. My God I sound crazy. Whatever.... here's our story.

Present day:

Y/n - I turn in bed and slam my hand on my very loud and annoying alarm. I groan and sit up so I actually, you know, wake up. After about 5 minutes of sitting up in bed, I decide to get ready for today. I walk to my closet and look to see what I want to wear. I think of what I have to do today and realize I have work, fuck! I try to find an outfit for work and just wear a dark colored shirt and some jeans.

My outfit

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My outfit.

Once I get changed, I quickly finish getting ready and then run to work. Once I'm outside my workplace which is a library called, "Bluestone library", I walk in and sigh, never getting bored of this sight.

 Once I'm outside my workplace which is a library called, "Bluestone library", I walk in and sigh, never getting bored of this sight

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I walk over and sign in showing that I'm on time for work. Once I sign in, I go in the back and grab some books that were turned in and place them on a cart so I can place them back on the correct shelf. Once everything ready for me to take out. I roll the cart out and get ready to go to the elevator which takes me to the other floors. I go to push the cart on the elevator but groan when the cart tips over from getting stuck and most of the books fall off the cart.

I hear an angelic voice from behind me and turn to look at who it is. I smile when I see the beaut I've seen a couple of times here.

Elizabeth - I walk into the library that I've been coming to for the past couple of days

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Elizabeth - I walk into the library that I've been coming to for the past couple of days. As I walk in, I hear a bang and then a loud groan. I walk over and see you standing there with a cart of books that has fallen. I chuckle lightly to myself and say, you're clumsy everytime I'm around. Need some help love? I walk closer to you as I see you turn around and look at me with a soft smile. I then hear you say, "please, my day is already going bad. But I feel like you'd help it get better". I blush slightly and walk over to the elevator more and bend down to pick some books up. Once the books are back on the cart, I help bring it in the elevator and then go to walk out when I feel a hand grab my wrist. I look back and see you pouting and say, " stay with me please"? I smile and say, I was going to grab my bag that I put on the floor over here and then I was coming up with you love. Just let me grab my bag and then we can hang out.

Y/n - I nod my head and let her hand go, I whisper a sorry under my breath and watch as she grabs her bag and then comes back with me. I smile and think in my head. Gosh, she is so beautiful. I then hear her chuckle and I freeze knowing I said that out loud now. I blush and look to the ground while picking at my fingers. I feel a hand grab mine and another hand grab my chin gently and move my head to look at her. I see her soft but stern glare which makes me cower a little. I hear her beautiful voice say something but I don't register what she actually said. I shake my head gently and say, sorry can you say that again please. I didn't hear you.

Elizabeth  - I watch as you shake your head gently and ask that I repeat what I said. I then say, don't pick at your fingers. You'll hurt yourself and I don't like that you're trying to harm yourself. I raise an eyebrow and then say, dont try and deny that you weren't because I saw you. Also don't try and defy me because I have plenty of ways to make you listen. I smirk when I see you nod your head slowly and give a soft, yes ma'am. I let go of your hand and then the elevator door opens when we get to the very top floor. I step out and help bring the cart out making sure it doesn't tip. Once it's out we walk around as we make small talk and I help you put the books away when it's on a higher shelf. I smile liking that you're shorter than me. I then get curious to how tall you actually are. I turn and say, how tall are you sweetheart? I watch you stop and then look at me with a smile. I hear you say, " I like how you asked me like that and not how other people say it. I'm actually 5' exactly. I know I'm short." I furrow my brows and say, how do other people ask you?

Y/n - I sigh and say, they ask it like this. " how short are you? " they do it in like a teasing tone also, just upsets me sometimes. It's whatever, anyways how are you doing? I look at her and see a soft frown and furrow my eyebrows, whats wrong Lizzie? I hear her say, " why don't you stand up for yourself? Why do you just take whatever they say to you?" I shrug my shoulders and continue to push the cart around and put books away. As I'm about to put the last book away, I feel my body being turned around and pushed into the wall. I look and see Elizabeth and say, what're you doing?

(1,048 words)

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