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Scarlett - it's been a few weeks since you've proposed. I've been extremely happy and clingy to you the last few weeks. I've also been giving lizzie the silent treatment. She has tried to give me a punishment for not talking to her but what she did was wrong, so I'm punishing her the only way I can. You have tried to ask me why I haven't been talking to her but I don't say anything knowing that you know why. I decided to take you on a date so I asked Damien to help set it up while I get me and you ready. Lizzie is at work so she can do whatever when she is home.

Y/n - the last weeks have been weird and I have tried to talk to both scarlett and lizzie but it's not working so I'm just going to let them deal with it. I tried sitting them down and making them talk but I got punished for that so I'm not meddling anymore. I was in bed taking a nap when I feel kisses being placed on my bare back since my shirt was bunched up from how i was laying down. I smile and keep my eyes closed wanting more kisses.

Scarlett - I chuckle and say, I know your up baby. I want to take a bath with you and then we're getting ready because I'm taking you out.

Y/n - I turn and grab scarlett letting her lay on my stomach. I smile and say, sounds amazing. What about lizzie tho?

Scar - it's just us. Let's take a bath. I'm going to set it up. Come in once you hear the bath water stop, okay?

Y/n - I sigh and nod my head. Yea, I'll do that. I love you. I see her smile and lean down to kiss my lips. I kiss back and then she gets up leaving to the bathroom. I grab my phone and message lizzie to tell her to meet when I text her the location. She messages back, okay. I smile and say, I love you Liz. I take a deep breath hoping my last plan to work. I set my phone down and walk into the bathroom scaring scar by accident. Sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you. I see eher shake her head with a smile. She stands up and walks to me slowly. I smile and lean in for a kiss but she pulls away and says to put my arms up. I roll my eyes and say, I'm not little, I don't need help getting undressed.

Scar - I squint my eyes at you more and say, arms up now.

Y/n - I roll my eyes and put my arms up. She smiles and helps pull my shirt off and then pulls my pants off as well. I smile and say, thanks for the not needed help. I feel a smack to my thigh and groan. What was that for?

Scar - I know you aren't little. But you are still my sub when you're big. So listen to me. I see your pout which makes me smile and lean over placing a kiss on your lips. I love you so much baby. I hear you whisper back that you love me too.

Time skip to after the bath.

We get out the bath and get changed into some cute casual clothes. I then say, lets go to the restaurant babe and have dinner. I see you nod and then ask what the restaurant is. I shake my head and say, it's a surprise.

Y/n - I groan at that and say, can I please know? I want to start thinking of what I want if I've already been there before. I say giving a lame excuse so I can tell lizzie the name.

Scar - fine its your favorite restaurant. Let's go love. As I'm driving I see that you're on your phone for a few minutes before getting off. I ask what you were doing and your reply makes me think other wise.

Y/n - I was texting Damien, I was seeing if he wanted to hang out soon. That's all.

Scar - we make it to the restaurant so I park the car once I find a spot and get out. I walk to your side and open the door and help you get out. I kiss your cheek when you step out. I close your door and then walk us inside. I say, table for 2 under johansson. She nods and lead me to a table.

Y/n - I feel my phone vibrate so when we get to our table I excuse myself and say, I have to use the bathroom baby, ill be right back. Order my usual drink for me please and then a water as well. She nods while I walk towards the restroom but go the long way to go to the front and meet lizzie up front. I smile when seeing her and say, hey baby I have a table already, lets go.

Lizzie - I smile and kiss you, why am I meeting you here? Where is scarlett?

Y/n - just follow me please. I lead us in and go back to the table where scarlett is. She stands up when she sees me but frowns when she sees lizzie as well. I tell her to sit and then pull the chair out for lizzie. Sit please. She sits down a little confused on what's going on. I stand and say, I love the both of you. I really do and I know you love each other as well. I thought being engaged would make us feel closer to each other more than we already do. But since I have proposed I'm thinking this isn't a good idea. Because look at how you're treating each other. Scarlett you're ignoring lizzie, lizzie you get upset that she does but you're not doing anything to try and fix whatever is wrong. So until you figure out what's wrong.... I'm moving out and will be with Damien for the time being. We are still engaged. We will still get married but we won't if you don't figure this out. I want to marry the both of you. I really do. But this has gone to far. It's been almost a month since I proposed. Stay here, have dinner and talk because I'm going home and having a few things I'll need for when I'm at damiens. I look to lizzie and see her crying and looking down at her hands. I look to scarlett who looks pissed and is staring at lizzie like it's her fault. I lean and kiss scarlett on the lips and whisper, I love you but please try and work it out. I do the same to lizzie and also wipe her tears. I stand back up and walk out the restaurant.

Once I make it outside I tear up hoping that this works because if not I'm not sure what else I can do.

(1,182 words)


Please don't hate me.
I had to throw a curveball to make it interesting.

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