"Was that my sweatshirt?" Eddie asked Jackson.
"I don't think that's your sweatshirt any more buddy," Jackson said, taking a bite of bacon.


Charlotte was talking with Lucy until she heard Angela's voice, "80 might be the passing, Boot, but if you don't get at least a 90, you should turn in your badge on the general principle."

The four rookies turned around and saw Angela, Tim and Nathan looking at them, "Officer Chen, I will take it as a personal insult if you get anything less than a 93," Bradford said.

"Yes, sir. Have you figured out what you're gonna do with all your free time? Might I suggest a book club?" Lucy asked.
"I would so join that book club," Charlotte exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?" Bradford asked.

"You know, after I pass, there won't be any more daily evaluations to write," Lucy stated.

"Whether I evaluate you daily or weekly, I will continue to judge you every minute. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

Charlotte sighed and turned to the front as Grey took his place up at the podium. "So, all right. Big day ahead. Rookies will work the first six hours of their shift on patrol, then come back to take the written test. Hey, try not to tire them out this morning. Just take the easy calls, okay?" Grey told the T.O.s.

"I don't do easy," Bradford exclaimed.

"But you do follow direct orders, am I right, Officer Bradford?"

"Yes, sir," Bradford said.

"Good. Easy, then. Following the written exam, you three will report to the Chief's office, where he will personally administer the oral exam. Remember, he can fail you for a dozen different reasons, so–" Grey said tapping his temple, "Remind me, Officer Nolan, how the Chief feels about you."

"Oh, big fan, sir," John replied.

"Mm-hmm. Yeah. all right, see you four back here in six hours. All right, that's it."


"You don't have to be nervous, you will be passing that exam," Nathan said observing Charlotte bouncing her leg up and down in the passenger seat of the shop.

"I know, but what if the Chief fails me from one false movement?"

"He won't. You are fine–"

"7-Adam-12, a man just tried to steal a firetruck off of Dalton and 8th street. Code 2," a male dispatcher said.

"7-Adam-12, show us responding," Nathan replied.

"Someone stealing a firetruck? What are the odds it's the 118?" Charlotte asked.

"I say pretty high with their history," Nathan replied, turning the sirens on.


Nathan and Charlotte detained the man who tried to steal the 118 firetruck. The man was currently struggling against Nathan's grasp as he put him in the back of the shop. "You know I knew it was you guys when dispatch called us," Charlotte told her father.

"I know you would have. I've noticed the most obsurbed things happen to this station," Bobby replied.

"They do indeed. Hey, I heard you went on a date the other week? How was it? She cute?" Charlotte asked her father, causing him to laugh.

"I did, I'm assuming Buck told you?"

"Hmm, he tells me everything, right Buck?" Charlotte asked Buck who walked up to the two.

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