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Charlotte laid her head on Eddie's shoulder as Christopher was picking out a movie for them to watch. "Are you nervous for tomorrow?" Charlotte asked.

"No, it'll be a piece of cake, I hope," Eddie said.

"You'll do great. Plus my dad will love you," Charlotte assured him as Eddie drew small circles on her hand.

"Speaking of your dad. Are we going to mention that we are dating? Or wait a bit?" Eddie asked.

"I think we should wait a bit and see who figures out we are dating first. I bet it'll be Athena and then Hen," Charlotte said causing Eddie to laugh. "What? Hen makes bets on everything. Like how she thinks my dad is dating Athena Grant. I don't see it," Charlotte exclaimed.

Eddie kissed the side of her head as Christopher picked a movie, "Which movie did you pick bud?" Charlotte asked as he had placed the CD in the CD player.

"Oliver & Company," Christopher answered as he sat in between his dad and his girlfriend.

"I loved that movie growing up. I used to watch it with my brother and sister all the time back in Minnesota," Charlotte told Christopher with a sad smile thinking about her siblings.

Charlotte glanced over at Eddie who smiled softly as the movie began to play. Eddie didn't know all of her story but he did know that she had younger siblings who had died in a fire along with her mother. Eddie smiled at the sight of Christopher resting his head on Charlotte's shoulder as the movie played.


Charlotte walked over to where Lucy and Bradford were. Bradford had just gotten back after the whole accident with the virus that happened two weeks ago. "Hey, are you feeling better?" Charlotte asked Bradford.

"Ready to get back to it," Bradford said.

"I hoped you liked the baked goods I sent over. Hope you didn't mind, Lucy sent me your address," Charlotte said. When she said a few it probably would have fed the entire 118 for weeks.

"I did, you seriously didn't have to do that," Bradford told her.

"Hm, I wanted to and I did. Glad you're feeling better," Charlotte told Bradford leaving him slightly speechless of how nice she was to him.

Grey walked in and started to write numbers on a chalkboard. He wrote 81, 91, 95, and 97 on the board. "All right. Shake off the rust and grab a seat. Anyone want to guess what these numbers represent? Nolan." Grey asked.

"Those are the scores to our six-month exams," John answered.

"That is correct, Officer Nolan," Grey said.

"OH! We all passed," Lucy said in relief as Charlotte shook her head in agreement.

"Technically, yes, but that 81 is ugly, given that an 80 is basically an F," Grey stated.

"Who got the low mark?" Angela asked.

"Clearly not West," Bradford scoffed.

"I could tell you, but self-reflection is necessary for your success as a patrol officer. So I want your guesses, as to which score is yours by end of shift. Understood?" Grey asked the rookies.

"Why not give them now?" Jackson asked.

"To mess with our heads," John told Jackson.

"Are you saying you're so easily sabotaged, Officer Nolan?" Grey questioned John.

"No, sir, I was speaking for Officer Chen," John replied as he and Lucy exchanged a look grinning.

"Sir, will there be consequences for the officer with the low score?" Charlotte asked.

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