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Charlotte laughed at something Lucy had told her as John pulled up to her and Jackson's apartment. "Okay, here we are you two," John exclaimed.

"Thank you for being our designated driver," Jackson told John.

"Yeah, you are the bestest," Charlotte laughed out.

"Oh, I figured you needed to blow off a little steam after the week you had," John exclaimed.

If you missed it, poor Jackson had to go back to wearing long sleeves during shifts, "Forget about being left back. You just need to make peace with being back in long sleeves. I have," Lucy added.

"No, you haven't," Charlotte exclaimed.

"No, I haven't—" Lucy said trailing off when she noticed a man looking a bit stoned walking out of the alleyway, "Oh, guys..."

Charlotte took notice of this and John drove forward a bit seeing a man in a hoodie making a deal with someone. "911, what is your emergency?" a new woman's voice said.

"This is off-duty officer Jackson West, badge 33356 along with off duty officer Charlotte Nash badge 33357. I need a unit to our home for an on-view suspect dealing 11-3." Jackson told the dispatcher.

"Should I come with?" Charlotte asked.

"Maybe stay in the car. You had a few too many drinks," Jackson told her as the two got out of the car.

"Those fruity cocktails are my weakness, you know that," Charlotte muttered.

"I'm gonna cut around the back side, cut 'em off," John said as Lucy got out of the car.

"They are so good," Charlotte told John.

"I know, you told me that after the first drink remember?" John laughed out.

"No, I do not–"

John stopped the car at the end of the alley way and got out. Charlotte got out to and watched as John took the drug dealer down. Jackson picked up the bag of drugs that had fallen out of his pocket, "Yo, you slinging dope in our neighborhood? Mr. Wilson–" Jackson stuttered out.

"Mr. Wilson?!" Charlotte exclaimed seeing their landlord in front of them.

"Oh, hey Jackson and Charlotte," Wilson groaned out.

"You know this guy?" John asked the two.
"Yeah, he's our landlord."


Headache?" Lucy asked noticing her friend rubbing her temple.

"Yeah, it's killer," Charlotte muttered.

Jackson was about to say something when Grey came into the briefing room and said, "Settle down. Find a seat. First up, I'd like to congratulate Officer Jackson West along with Officer Charlotte Nash on the fine pinch last night. No crook is safe from Officer West and Officer Nash, not even their landlord," Grey said as the entire room erupted with applause.

Charlotte shuttered at the noise but put on a fake smile as Grey handed her and Jackson a letter, "Letter of commendation?" Jackson asked.

"Change of address form. Y'all's apartment is now considered a 'house of ill repute' – and under asset seizure. We need your new address by tomorrow, even if it's Mama's or Papa's house. All right. This sharp-dressed man in the doorway is Detective Nick Armstrong. He'll be in the field after hours for your detecting needs. Yes Officer Lopez?" Grey asked as Charlotte's face fell at the sound of the two of them having to find a new place by tomorrow morning.

"Detective Armstrong  on a scale of  1 to 10, where 1 is 'patrol friendly' and 10 is 'making us guard a cleared crime scene in the pouring rain 'cause you get a 'power trip off of it,' where do you stand?"

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