twenty one

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Charlotte pulled the sheets over her head when the alarm started to blare. "Come on mi amor, we gotta get up," Eddie said leaning over and kissed Charlotte.

"Do I have to? Can we just stay in bed the entire day?" Charlotte muttered.

"As much as I love that idea, I feel like our bosses would not," Eddie said kissing Charlotte's cheek before getting out of bed.

Charlotte let out a sigh as Eddie turned the lights on and he began his normal routine with Christopher. Throwing on a LAPD shirt along with some leggings she tossed her hair up and walked out and saw Eddie and Christopher had already begun their morning workout. "You two want pancakes or waffles?" Charlotte asked, leaning on the doorframe.

Christopher looked up at Charlotte and said, "Pancakes please."

"Pancakes it is then," Charlotte said with a smile and began making Pancakes.

Thirty minutes later Charlotte was finished making breakfast and placed two on each plate and put them on the table. She grabbed the syrup bottle and put it on the table, "You outdid yourself," Eddie said taking a seat in the middle of Charlotte and Christopher.

"I get it from my dad," Charlotte hummed out.

Christopher poured a bit too much syrup on his pancakes and he said, "Whoa!"

"A little too much, here let's share it," Eddie said, taking a spoon and scooped some of the syrup onto his plate, causing Charlotte to smile.


Charlotte didn't realize it but she was grinning from ear to ear as she walked towards the briefing room, "You look happy," Angela said as the two were walking in the same direction.

"Why would you be happy?" Bradford asked joining the two.

"Because she's in love doofus," Angela exclaimed whacking his arm.

"Fine sue me if being in love makes me happy. It was just so adorable watching Eddie with his son getting ready this morning," Charlotte sighed out.

Bradford shook his head and left the two women not putting two and two together that she was dating the same Eddie he served overseas with. "Question for you, have you ever met Wesley's mother?" Angela asked, causing Charlotte to raise an eye at her.

"Uh, yes I have. I know he isn't the biggest fan of Patrice, but she is nice. Why? Are you meeting his mother?!" Charlotte asked.

"Yes, it seemed like he wasn't thrilled. And I knew you would know why he wasn't thrilled," Angela said walking back towards where the T.O.s sat.

Charlotte shook her head and sat down beside Jackson, "What did Angela want?"

"She's meeting Wesley's mother tonight," Charlotte muttered to him as Sergeant Grey walked into the briefing room.

Jackson's eyes widened at the news and whispered, "Seriously?"

Charlotte shook her head as Grey said, "Today is problem day. So you know what that means," Grey asked.

"Actually, sir, I -I don't," John said, raising his hand in the air.

"Problem spots on your patrol route. Locations that attract crime like a felonious magnet," Grey exclaimed.

"Businesses used as a cover for criminal activity," Bradford added.

"No-tell motels, massage parlors, dive bars," Angela listed out.

"Or anywhere that ex-cons gather to plan their next adventure." Nathan stated.

"The spots you see every day and you vow to take them down if you have the time, but we never have the time. So today we make some. Is there a problem Smitty?" Grey asked noticing Smitty whispering something to another officer.

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