43. Midsommer

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A hour later we're sitting in the car while Charles is driving us. I look out of the window. We're not talking. I still dont know how to feel about everything. Maybe my head doesn't want me to make it too easy for Charles to forgive him all of this. Because I mean, I love him. I only want him.

C: I have a surprise for you.

G: Surprise!

Grace claps excited in her hands. She is such a happy baby.

E: I have enough surprise of you.

I mumble so she doesn't hear it, but Charles does. I noticed that he looks to me but his gaze goes straight back to the streets not saying a word. What should he say tho.

G: Ryan?

He sits in the back with Grace. He looks at her. She noticed something is up again.

R: Yeah, let's see what your dad came up with. I'm sure it's very fun.

I look over the mirror to Grace to make sure she's okay before I look out of my window again.

C: Alright, here we are.

Charles stops the engine as we apparently arrive. I get out and look around.

E: What is this?

C: It's midsummer, a tradition here in sweden.

While he takes Grace out of her car seat, I walk a bit closer to the people. They're all dancing, laughing and having such a fun time.

G: Grace is comfortable with crowds. She won't care. They don't recognize us.

E: I wanted space and not a social event.

I sigh when I see his smile on his lips as I turn around.

C: But I wanna show Grace and YOU what it is to be a normal girl. You always loved these times. Enjoying life like everyone.

That's cute. He's right. I love this. I'm a bit overwhelmed not really know what to say. I look at Charles and take a deep breath to say something but Charles goes first.

C: Like the good old time. When we escaped from the royalty. Just us.

I close my mouth again. This is making me upset. I loved these moments, but can we really go back to it just like this? All the memories we had are coming back.

C: We escaped here to sweden, again because of the royalty.

My eyes get teary, and I swallow when I see Charles eyes are filled with tears as well.

C: Let's be normal for a few hours, huh?

I wish my tear away. I take a deep breath. My breath is shaking. Why are all these memories coming back now?


I watch Elisabeth and Charles staying at the car. Suddenly someone touches my hand. Grace. I sigh.

R: Oh Grace, I know.

G: Mommy, daddy, hurt here.

She points to her chest.


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